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お名前: a university student(senior)
投稿日: 2002/3/10(16:05)
〉No! You(?) have made more incorrect sentences.
〉Correct them all, before you write again!
〉Maybe I should start doubting your(?) intuition after all!!
〉No! You(?) have made more incorrect sentences.
〉Correct them all, before you write again!
〉Maybe I should start doubting your(?) intuition after all!!
Oh, what an authoritarian way of speaking!
The acceptability judgments presented here are based on the judgment by several English native speakers, including a Ph.D., so I’m very positive that the acceptability judgments are quite reliable.
In response to your egregious comments, I had to say that though your use of English idioms is superb, your vocabulary and structure is far from those of highly intelligent professors.
Please keep in mind that our discussions in English here would be fruitful, in spite of some minor errors in our English writing. Don’ you know too much emphasis on studens’ mistakes would not lead them to improve their English?
Since I’m going to be very busy this week, I’m afraid I will be unable to respond to your comments quickly, but I hope other teachers, including Mr. Furukawa and Maria-san will be kind enough to join our English discussion.
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お名前: まりあ
投稿日: 2002/3/10(16:55)
〉Since I’m going to be very busy this week, I’m afraid I will be unable to respond to your comments quickly, but I hope other teachers, including Mr. Furukawa and Maria-san will be kind enough to join our English discussion.
Don't you know you're very provocative,
do you? YOU did ask first then you say an excuse
of gonna very busy this week.
Do you think if we set up this BBS to kill time
or so? Mr Furukawa is the president of SEG, you know,
Ms kawate & I are married with children, she is a doctor,
I'm the president of the company.
I wouldn't like to discuss grammatical issue
wiith you because I prefer to use my little time
for writing the "Book Reiew" page.
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お名前: a university student(senior)
投稿日: 2002/3/10(17:19)
〉 Don't you know you're very provocative,
〉do you? YOU did ask first then you say an excuse
〉of gonna very busy this week.
Sorry for making you feel rather uncomfortable.
But, to me, your comment that I'm very provocative sounds too direct and, therefore, impolite. A more polite person would say, “You comments sounds a bit provocative.”
〉 Do you think if we set up this BBS to kill time
〉or so? Mr Furukawa is the president of SEG, you know,
NOT if BUT that, grammatically, sorry to say.
I don’t think it’s effective for teachers to correct students’ minor grammatical mistakes.
However, the above mistake you made is too egregious.
Yes, I know. I should call him Dr.Furukawa because he is a doctor of sciences in mathematics, isn’t he?
I used several math books written by Dr.Furukawa when I was a high school student.
〉 I wouldn't like to discuss grammatical issue
〉wiith you because I prefer to use my little time
〉for writing the "Book Reiew" page.
You mean, you don’t want to spend your time writing the Book Reiew" page, right?
I don’t try to discuss grammatical issues simply. I wanna talk about issues regarding SLA.
I’m a university student majoring economics. May I ask you your profession?
I guess you are an English teacher having the degree of English teaching, e.g. TESOL.
〉Sorry for making you feel rather uncomfortable.
〉But, to me, your comment that I'm very provocative sounds too direct and, therefore, impolite. A more polite person would say, “You comments sounds a bit provocative.”
I agree with you and feel happy knowing
you have a sensitive awareness of English.
Many Japanese don't feel the sentences I wrote
" too direct and impolite". I think this is
a more serious matter than grammatic problem.
〉I’m a university student majoring economics. May I ask you your profession?
Go http://www.seg.co.jp/sss/material/index.html
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お名前: 酒井邦秀
投稿日: 2002/3/10(17:31)
〉Oh, what an authoritarian way of speaking!
〉In response to your egregious comments, I had to say that though your use of English idioms is superb, your vocabulary and structure is far from those of highly intelligent professors.
intelligent の意味を間違ってませんか?
intellectual と言いたかったのでしょうね。
intelligent は教育程度とはなんの関係もないことばですね。
話をしているとは思えない。やっぱり intellectual と
〉Since I’m going to be very busy this week, I’m afraid I will be unable to respond to your comments quickly, but I hope other teachers, including Mr. Furukawa and Maria-san will be kind enough to join our English discussion.
but でつなぐ意味がないのです。
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お名前: a university student(senior)
投稿日: 2002/3/10(17:57)
>That is precisely where this site
>is all about, isn't it?
“Where” should be “what”
〉〉In response to your egregious comments, I had to say that though your use of English idioms is superb, your vocabulary and structure is far from those of highly intelligent professors.
〉intelligent の意味を間違ってませんか?
〉intellectual と言いたかったのでしょうね。
〉intelligent は教育程度とはなんの関係もないことばですね。
I know. I have met various kinds of “intelligent teachers”, all of whom are more intelligent than you are.
〉話をしているとは思えない。やっぱり intellectual と
A person’s writing sometimes represents the person’s intelligence.
〉〉Since I’m going to be very busy this week, I’m afraid I will be unable to respond to your comments quickly, but I hope other teachers, including Mr. Furukawa and Maria-san will be kind enough to join our English discussion.
I didn't mean it. Your understanding of English seems to be as insufficient as your ability to write in English.
but でつなぐ意味がないのです。
Don’t be so pedagogical! I don’t expect you to be pedagogical at all.
Anyway, this clearly indicates that you are poor at writing in English.