Re: シュリーマンの方法

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[賛成] 84. Re: シュリーマンの方法

お名前: 河手真理子(SSS英語学習法研究会)
投稿日: 2001/11/26(13:09)



〉〉「keine か kleine か、それが問題だ!」

〉kine は no
〉kleine は little ですね

kein はno とおなじで、never という強い感じですが、
klein はlittle で、
a little が少しはあるという肯定的な意味を含んでいるのに対して
little  ほとんどないというネガティブな意味をあらわしている英語の使い方と

だから、kleine 翻訳 で、ほとんど訳さないで、となるんだと思います。
eine kleine なら、少しは訳しながら読みましょうということになるんでしょうね。



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86. Re: シュリーマンの方法

お名前: 柴田武史
投稿日: 2001/11/26(18:03)






 My memory was bad, since from my childhood it had not been exercised upon any object; but I made use of every moment, and even stole time for study. In order to acquire a good pronunciation quickly, I went twice every Sunday to the English church, and repeated to myself in a low voice, every word of the clergyman's sermon. I never went on my errands, even in the rain, without having my book in my hand and learning something by heart; and I never waited at the post-office without reading. By such methods I gradually strengthened my memory, and in three months' time found no difficulty in reciting from memory to my teacher, Mr. Taylor, in each day's lesson, word by word, twenty printed pages, after having read them over three times attentively. In this way I committed to memory the whole of Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield and Sir Walter Scott's Ivanhoe. From over-excitement I slept but little, and employed my sleepless hours at night in going over in my mind what I had read on the preceding evening. The memory being always much more concentrated at night than in the day-time, I found these repetitions at night of paramount use. Thus I succeeded in acquring in half a year a thorough knowledge of the English language.

 夜もろくに寝ないで暗記に励んだと書いてありますね。それにしてもすごいものです。引用した個所の最後の方にある I found these repetitions at night of paramount use.のところはイタリック体になっており、強調されています。夜の方が記憶力が増大するので、寝る時間を削って必死に暗記したらよいと薦めているのですね。



 Then, following my old method, I began to write short stories of my own composition, and to learn them by heart. As I had no one to correct my work, it was, no doubt, extremely bad; but I tried at the same time to correct my mistakes by the practical exercise of learning the Russian Aventures de Telemaque by heart. It occurred to me that I should make more progress if I had some one to whom I could relate the adventures of Telemachus; so I hired a poor Jew for four francs a week, who had to come every evening for two hours to listen to my Russian recitations, of which he did not understand a syllable.


 As the ceilings of the rooms of the common houses in Holland consist of single boards, people on the ground-floor can hear what is said in the third storey. My recitations therefore, delivered in a loud voice, annoyed the other tennants, who complained to the landlord, and twice while studying the Russian language I was forced to change my lodgings. 


  I again faithfully followed my old method; but in order to acquire quickly the Greek vocabulary, which seemed to me far more difficult even than the Russian, I procured a modern Greek translation of Paul et Virginie, and read it through, comparing every word with its equivalent in the French original. When I had finished this task, I knew at least one-half the Greek words the book contained, and after repeating the operation I knew them all, or nearly so, without having lost a single minute by being obliged to use a dictionary. In this manner it did not take me more than six weeks to master the difficulties of modern Greek, and I next applied myself to the ancient language, of which in three months I learned sufficient to understand some of the ancient authors, and especially Homer, whom I read and re-read with the most lively enthusiasm.
I then occupied myself for two years exclusively with the literature of ancient Greece; and during this time I read almost all the classical authors cursorily, and the Iliad and Odyssey several times. Of the Greek grammar, I learned only the declensions and the verbs, and never lost my precious time in studying its rules; for as I saw that boys, after being troubled and tormented for eight years and more in schools with the tedious rules of grammar, can nevertheless none of them write a letter in ancient Greek without making hundreds of atrocious blunders, I thought the method pursued by the schoolmasters must be altogether wrong, and that a thorough knowledge of the Greek grammar could only be obtained by practice--that is to say, by the attentive reading of the prose classics, and by committing choice pieces of them to memory. Following this very simple method, I learnt ancient Greek as I would have learnt a living language. I can write in it with the greatest fluency on any subject I am acquainted with, and can never forget it. I am perfectly acquainted with all the grammatical rules without even knowing whether or not they are contained in the grammars; and whenever a man finds errors in my Greek, I can immediately prove that I am right, by reciting passages from the classics where the sentences employed by me occur.

 彼は Paul et Virginie のギリシャ語訳を原本と引き比べて単語を覚えたと書いていますが、このフランス語の原本は彼がフランス語を学んだときに丸暗記したものでした。辞書は使わなかったけれど、単語の意味はフランス語と比べながら確認したということですね。

 彼の学習法は graded readers(なんてものはなかったですね、あの時代に!)を使いながら、自然にルールと語彙を身につけていくというのとはちょっと違うようですね。大量に文章を読んでいるというところはSSSと共通していますが、彼は読んだものをうわばみのごとく丸呑みにして暗記してしまい、それを基に文を書いたり話したりして上達を図るというやり方ですから、これもSSSのシャドウイングで話せるようになるというのと違うようです。


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99. Re: シュリーマンの方法

お名前: やまきた
投稿日: 2001/11/29(11:05)


> eine kleine なら、少しは訳しながら読みましょうということになるんでしょうね。

それにドイツ語のeine kleineに「少しは」というニュアンスはないと思いますよ。

> だから、訳者が誤植だと思って変えちゃったというのは、ひどいと思います。


> それに、「短文の訳をする」という訳もひどいです。




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