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418. Re: カテゴリ3のベスト本:UNCLE ELEPHANT(An I Can Read Book Level 2)
お名前: 桐
投稿日: 2003/3/16(18:49)
Thank you for your stories.I also like your other stories ,but really love this "UNCLE ELEPHANT" best of all. In the story the uncle tells "me" that he counted "the days".These simple words moved me silently and deeply. I am so happy to know such short but warm story written in such easy English.
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428. Re: カテゴリ3のベスト本:UNCLE ELEPHANT(An I Can Read Book Level 2)
お名前: 桐
投稿日: 2003/3/18(11:51)
〉 Thank you for your stories.I also like your other stories ,but really love this "UNCLE ELEPHANT" best of all.
〉 In the story, at the last, Uncle says "I was counting days".These simple words moved me silently and deeply.
〉 I am so happy to know such a short but warm story written in such easy English.