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お名前: バナナ http://www.geocities.jp/mkawachi30s/SSS/book.htm
投稿日: 2003/3/13(01:59)
When I read your work "Heiji", I was moved and tears fell from my eyes time after time.
I imagined the scenes vividly as if they were there front of me.
I want to read original story some day. I say thank-you for your good work!
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417. Re: カテゴリ2のベスト本:HEIDI(PGR2)
お名前: Kian
投稿日: 2003/3/15(11:14)
Dear sir
When I was reading the book I smelt of cheese, milk and bread.
And I was really keen to sleep in a bed in hay.
Thank you for giving me the feelings!
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444. Re: カテゴリ2のベスト本:HEIDI(PGR2)
お名前: げんこつ
投稿日: 2003/3/21(19:25)
Heidi is one of the most popular story in Japan.
The book moved me to tear again, though I know whole story.
I am please to be impressed by Heidi in English.
Thank you.