[掲示板: 〈Past log〉Chat with SSS friends in English -- 最新メッセージID: 1207 // 時刻: 2025/3/7(11:27)]
803. 日本語ご容赦【タドキスト大会企画】 英語で創作してみよう
お名前: ako
投稿日: 2005/10/11(02:38)
This is ako, the chief commissioner of 2005 Tadoxists TAIKAI of SSS.
Today I would like to try to write this information in English !!
This is hard work !! But I enjoy this.
Now, I would like you to enjoy writing English,
If you wish....
多くの人に自分の書く英語を見られるのは、照れる…、恥ずかしい…、など、いろいろな気持ちが錯綜するものですよね。 心理的障壁も高いかもしれない、と思います。
Unmmmmmmmmh.........How should I write this in English.....?
Difficult.... (In japanese, they say "Jigo-Jitoku")
I am embarrassing.....
But "Kiyobuta", I heard this Japanese recently, a young man said this,
meaning, "Give it a try"....."For example, it would be like sky-diving"....??? I dont know.......
Please feel free to enjoy this project !
No one, no Tadoxist will laugh at you !
Let's enjoy writing English !!
Don't be afraid of making mistake !!
では、応募作は、英語Haiku, 英語の詩作、短編小説、コントの台本のような短い作品、コラム、エッセイ、オリジナル英語なぞなぞ等、著作権についての問題が起きないような、オリジナル作品をぜひどうぞ〜!!
Please give your original one in this thread.
Haiku, poem, short story, essay, short dialog, riddles.....etc...
Off we go !!
804. Re: "I am digging my own grave, I 'm fool."
お名前: ako
投稿日: 2005/10/11(02:58)
This is ako again !!
I read my own posting and read my English.
My Eeeeeenglish !!! Horrible ! Terrible!! Awful !!!
I felt that some sounds strange.
.....But !!!
Feeling that my own writing sounds strange
means I can find or feel
that my own one is somehow different from natural English,
doesnt it ???
Oh I am sorry, I made you all read wrong English.....
So, I can say that again,
"I am digging my own grave, I 'm fool." ("Jigo-jitoku" in Japanese?)
805. Re: "I am digging my own grave, I 'm fool."
お名前: モーリン
投稿日: 2005/10/11(13:15)
Hi Ako-san.
Don't be ashamed
Don't be afraid
You said these
You said so
Read easy English
Write easy English
Reading is Fun
Writing is Fun
Enjoy Reading
Enjoy Writing
Any way I got "digging my own grave".
See you.
Hello, everybody !
I forgot to write an important thing !
(1) タドキスト大会に参加するかどうかは関わり無く、投稿・メール送信にて参加いただけます。
(2) You can send your 投稿作品 to this e-mail too !!
If you wish....
(3) 締め切り November 2(Wed)
akothefrog at yahoo.co.jp
(送信時に at を 半角@にしてください)
807. Re: CHAIN STORY -- Join in, everybody!
お名前: いづこ
投稿日: 2005/10/22(23:20)
Hello, ako-san and everybody!
Izuko is here! (←In English "Where is here!"・・・Not funny? I know!)
Moring-san posted a nice poem for ako-san,
but there may be a "high wall" to post here in this chat square.
I hope there are many works flowing to ako-san by e-mail.
I think being creative in a short period may be hard for many people.
Then how about making one work with friends.
Many friends would make a big work -- a chain story!
I'll start the story. Someone, please continue.
I hope many friends will come to go the story on.
How about writing 1〜3 lines at a time?
From my bitter memory・・・
Once, Moring-san made start a story.
And I continued.
I made it too much of my eccentric taste.
No more friends came・・・
(I'm sorry now again, Moring-san〜.)
The story can be
historical, humorous, romantic, heart-warming, heroic,
horrible, stupid, suspenseful, scary・・・ `
depending on each writer's favor.
The story would have the different taste every time. Of course!
One more suggestion.
There is a very useful word to use in a story like this.
It's "Suddenly".
You can give a sudden change to the story anytime!
(There is a fun picture book using "Suddenly" many times. )
To continue the story, please use the "reply" mode. (mode?)
We can make a story of our posting like stairs.
I, Izuko, will come one more time some time.
If two persons write the following stories,
I, Izuko, will continue the second one.
(Of course anyone can come to the first or second story.)
Let's make two different stories from there!
I think this posting will make No. 807.
I will start the story in No. 808.
Please, please come!
Give the young people a bright or horrible future!
As you like〜
811. Re: Wow, it's started and going on! How exciting!
お名前: いづこ
投稿日: 2005/10/23(08:47)
Thank you for coming, Moring-san, and Umi-san!
(It's Sunday morning. I see the two postings now.)
Everybody, Pleeeeeeeeeeease come!
Let's make a story!
their pet(s)
and New York
will change?
You can put
new people or animals
in the story
Join us!
818. Re:Hi, Cookie-san. Find me! (and to will-be writers)
お名前: いづこ
投稿日: 2005/10/26(23:23)
でも訂正に使ってみた、will-be ××も、聞いたことないような・・・(汗)
Hi, Cookie-san, I'm replying here at a different place to reply.
Thank you for your message.
And I want to say "I am sorry." to you and all FANS of Taro's.
(I didn't expect...)
Next time who shall I get rid of...Heheheheheeeeeee....
No, no, it's a Halloween joke.
I won't go into the story any more.
I decided that I would go two times,
the starting and one more anytime.
(And if there are two replies to one piece of the story,
I may come to one of them.)
Everybody, please feel free to join us.
Moring-san is waiting for the 承part,
but if it sounds difficult to you,
you don't have to think about it.
You can make any wild waves anytime (like me? Oh, no one would like it?).
(It sounds difficult to me. I am always a mess seeker.
My own story might be 起転転転転・・・・・)
If you can make the 承part、it's great!
Please give a future (happy or sad)
to Taro-cat and Hanako!
お名前: モーリン
投稿日: 2005/10/27(03:22)
Hi Izuko-san. This is Moring!
〉I won't go into the story any more.
〉I decided that I would go two times,
〉the starting and one more anytime.
〉(And if there are two replies to one piece of the story,
〉I may come to one of them.)
Oh, don't say that, Izuko-san. I expected you would come.
Of cause I expect some one else will come next, too.
But, how about no one would come? Only Umi-san and me have been remained.
I don't want this story will finish without ending like last time.
〉Everybody, please feel free to join us.
〉Moring-san is waiting for the 承part,
〉but if it sounds difficult to you,
〉you don't have to think about it.
〉You can make any wild waves anytime
Yes. It's true. Please somebody help our story.
〉(It sounds difficult to me. I am always a mess seeker.
〉My own story might be 起転転転転・・・・・)
Did I make you depress with my words? If so, I was very sorry.
I beleave you can make the story.
Please try it!
821. Re:New people are coming!
お名前: いづこ
投稿日: 2005/10/27(15:53)
Hi, Moring-san. Izuko is here.
〉〉(It sounds difficult to me. I am always a mess seeker.
〉〉My own story might be 起転転転転・・・・・)
〉Did I make you depress with my words? If so, I was very sorry.
Oh, I am sorry to make you worried.
No, no, I'm not depressed.
I'm not so soft and weak "TAMA".(そんなヤワなタマじゃござんせん〜。)
I tried to say, "Please feel free to change the story as you like"
to any new comers.
And Hamako-san came!
Welcome, Hamako-san. Thank you very much!
You made Taro-cat even cuter.
〉Oh, don't say that, Izuko-san. I expected you would come.
Thank you for saying that.
Then I don't say I won't. I will come when I would like to.
〉Of cause I expect some one else will come next, too.
〉But, how about no one would come? Only Umi-san and me have been remained.
Let's pray for new comers!
〉I don't want this story will finish without ending like last time.
Oh, it's my sore spot...atatatata...
But do you think it will end?
I think the story can be never-ending one.
If it has a beautiful-ending, it would be nice, of course ...
Anyway, Taro-cat is getting to be a very nice character, isn't he?
I hope it will continue as long as possible!
I may be back.
お名前: モーリン
投稿日: 2005/10/28(05:49)
Hi Izuko^san. This is Moring.
〉And Hamako-san came!
〉Welcome, Hamako-san. Thank you very much!
YES! Welcoming, Hamako-san! You did good job. Thank you.
And please continue to join.
Who's next?
〉Then I don't say I won't. I will come when I would like to.
Oh, it's good to hear that.
〉Let's pray for new comers!
〉Anyway, Taro-cat is getting to be a very nice character, isn't he?
Yes, I think and hope so.
〉I hope it will continue as long as possible!
Till TADOKIST-Taikai?
〉I may be back.
Happy Reading & Writing!
お名前: はまこ
投稿日: 2005/10/28(17:37)
Hi, Izuko-san, Moring-san, and Umi-chan!
This is Hamako. (Please call me just "Hamako" on this board.)
Thank you for your hearty welcome♪
I've noticed this project by "SSS多読通信 第101号"
(Thanks a lot Okinaya! And how are you livin'?)
Izuko-san, how nice of your idea.
(Also ako, thank you for your information about the ”英語で創作してみよう”。
I gathered all my courage together. So I got 「キヨブタ」!!!)
Moring-san, thank you for bring Taro back into life.
I think your job was a very witty♪
Umi-chan, I burst into a laugh when I read of the "A-B-C-D-E."
Hanako seems more attractive and dangerous women than I expected.
I can hardly wait for continuation of this story!
お名前: モーリン
投稿日: 2005/10/28(22:29)
Hi Hamako-san. This is Moring.
I read your second posting for our (include you, of cause) story.
You had done good job. Excellent.
That posting stimulate our brain cells.
I cannot wait next posting.
Who's next?
Happy Reading & Writing!
〉Hi Hamako-san. This is Moring.
Hi, Moring. This is Hamako.
( I don't need "san" on this board. Do you need it?)
〉I read your second posting for our (include you, of cause) story.
〉You had done good job. Excellent.
〉That posting stimulate our brain cells.
Oh, thank you for your delightful comment.
〉I cannot wait next posting.
〉Who's next?
It was Izuko, and I didn't think of "God of Language". Aha ha.
She did a tricky job, didn't she?
And you, Moring, I never thought of
"This sounds like the local tongue of some part of Japan!"
No way! I wept with laughter.
So, Umi, why did you make up shch a story of
"Boy came from a graveyard in Nagoya."?
Wa hahahaha...
Can we (of course include new comers) go ahead of this story?
I was supposed to go to my sun's soccer game.
It was my turn for "taking care of the children".
But it's raining so hard today, and called off the game.
So I have time to think about the next story.
But it's bit difficult 〜〜〜
Who's next?
Somebody help me!
843. Re: Hi, Hamako !! I ve been waiting for you for a long, long time--
お名前: ako
投稿日: 2005/11/1(23:42)
Hello, Hamako, this is ako. How have you been !?
〉(Also ako, thank you for your information about the ”英語で創作してみよう”。
〉I gathered all my courage together. So I got 「キヨブタ」!!!)
Thank you for your writing this !!
I am really fond of this Japanese phrase, KIYOBUTA !!
And I am very very glad you gathered all your courage together !
Thanx a lot !
Enjoy this KIYOBUTA project !
834. Umi, I want you and Taro-body back.
お名前: はまこ
投稿日: 2005/10/31(12:33)
Hi, this is Hamako.
Oh, please, please. You can't say that.
We really need you.
I want to ask you one thing.
When I read your story, I thought "Umi made a new character."
Because of "Boy came from a graveyard in Nagoya."
You wrote "Boy".
I thought "Boy? Who? What's his name? Jiro? Saburo? How old is he?"
"His looks like a what? A normal human? Or maybe zombie things?
Is his body color green?"
I never thought "Boy" = "Taro-body", because Taro was "a young man. "
Perhaps did you make a mistake?
The word "Boy" is just like the word "body".
In that case, I want Taro-body back.
Can we send out our invitation to Toro-body at Egyptian Art in Metropolitan museum?
To come back again our story?
And who is "ひっこみます。"?
Taro-body? or Umi?
"I can't write
If living without you 〜♪" (Without You / song by Nilsson)
"Oh baby give me one more chance
To show you that I love you 〜♪" (I Want You Back / song by The Jackson 5)
Anyway, I wish you come back as soon as you can.
I'm very pleased about you describe Hanako's character.
I'm a Hanako fun.
835. Re:I wanted to say only a knock-knock joke. (^^ゞ
お名前: 海
投稿日: 2005/10/31(13:51)
Hi, Hamako. This is Umi.
〉Oh, please, please. You can't say that.
〉We really need you.
ありがと! はまちゃん、そう言ってくださって。
でミイラちゃんとご一緒します。(で、いいかな? 事後許可です。。)
〉I want to ask you one thing.
〉When I read your story, I thought "Umi made a new character."
〉Because of "Boy came from a graveyard in Nagoya."
〉You wrote "Boy".
〉I thought "Boy? Who? What's his name? Jiro? Saburo? How old is he?"
〉"His looks like a what? A normal human? Or maybe zombie things?
〉Is his body color green?"
I suppose he is Taro. A kind of zombie.
But he has fresh flesh. He was canseled by the Deah of God.
Because he didn't have his spirit.
〉I never thought "Boy" = "Taro-body", because Taro was "a young man. "
〉Perhaps did you make a mistake?
〉The word "Boy" is just like the word "body".
〉In that case, I want Taro-body back.
〉Can we send out our invitation to Toro-body at Egyptian Art in Metropolitan museum?
〉To come back again our story?
それもあり! ちがうのもあり! なんでもあり! 締め切りがくるまで(いつ?)
To be continued!!
〉And who is "ひっこみます。"?
〉Taro-body? or Umi?
Of course Taro-body, not Umi. 心配かけてごめんね♪
〉"I can't write
〉If living without you 〜♪" (Without You / song by Nilsson)
〉"Oh baby give me one more chance
〉To show you that I love you 〜♪" (I Want You Back / song by The Jackson 5)
Thank you very much, Hamako!! (*^_^*)
〉Anyway, I wish you come back as soon as you can.
〉I'm very pleased about you describe Hanako's character.
〉I'm a Hanako fun.
Thank you!! I like her, too.
I think she is an A-B-C-D-E-S and independent woman.
お名前: はまこ
投稿日: 2005/10/31(17:52)
Hi, Umi. This is Hamako.
I was relieved to read your reply.
〉I suppose he is Taro. A kind of zombie.
〉But he has fresh flesh. He was canseled by the Deah of God.
〉Because he didn't have his spirit.
Oh, I see!
〉〉I never thought "Boy" = "Taro-body", because Taro was "a young man. "
〉〉Perhaps did you make a mistake?
〉〉The word "Boy" is just like the word "body".
Yes, indeed♪
I know that you fond of “Knock, knock, jokes.” ←(right?)
You sometimes wrote about it on the other boards.
Also I know that
"Knock, Knock" "Who's there?" "A" "A who?"
and we can put anything on next for the continuation of this joke.
So I could understand that he was “Taro” if this “Who” was a “Body”.
But “Who” was a “Boy”…
Gee, I have a poor ability at English and jokes.
Even though I am an awkward beginner to write in English,
I have been quite enjoy chatting with you and other authors♪
〉〉In that case, I want Taro-body back.
〉〉Can we send out our invitation to Toro-body at Egyptian Art in Metropolitan museum?
〉〉To come back again our story?
〉それもあり! ちがうのもあり! なんでもあり! 締め切りがくるまで(いつ?)
〉To be continued!!
Ok, that sounds fantastic!!
〉〉And who is "ひっこみます。"?
〉〉Taro-body? or Umi?
〉Of course Taro-body, not Umi. 心配かけてごめんね♪
I’m glad you’re here, stand by my side♪
〉〉"I can't write
〉〉If living without you 〜♪" (Without You / song by Nilsson)
〉〉"Oh baby give me one more chance
〉〉To show you that I love you 〜♪" (I Want You Back / song by The Jackson 5)
〉Thank you very much, Hamako!! (*^_^*)
Me too (*^o^*)
〉〉Anyway, I wish you come back as soon as you can.
〉〉I'm very pleased about you describe Hanako's character.
〉〉I'm a Hanako fun.
〉Thank you!! I like her, too.
〉I think she is an A-B-C-D-E-S and independent woman.
Oh, she’s an A-B-C-D-E-S-I.
What a gorgeous woman!
838. Re: Hi, Hamako Baba Moring Izuko and friends!
お名前: 海
投稿日: 2005/11/1(10:25)
Hi, friends! What's up?
Banana-chan(I'm afraid of too casual) Welcome to the WONDER-ful world!!
I'm glad you join us. You gave me 「そうきたかー!」-feeling.
Izuko Moring and Hamako gave me 「そうきたかー!」-feeling, too!!
It's a complex feeling. It includes mainly admiration and excitement
and partly 「やられたー」. I love this feeling!!
By the way my last posting↑ had a lot of Japanese. So sorry.
I had a schedule. Then I wanted to write it as soon as possible.
〉I was relieved to read your reply.
I'm glad to hear that. Please, don't worry.
〉〉I suppose he is Taro. A kind of zombie.
〉〉But he has fresh flesh. He was canseled by the Deah of God.
〉〉Because he didn't have his spirit.
Oh, no. I found some mistakes. Please let me correct a big mistake.
It's 'the Deah of God' I had better to write ' the God of Death' at least.
But I felt it's still strange. Then I asked my dictionary.
It told me "死神 is 'Death' or 'the Grim Reaper' in English"
〉〉〉I never thought "Boy" = "Taro-body", because Taro was "a young man. "
〉〉〉Perhaps did you make a mistake?
〉〉〉The word "Boy" is just like the word "body".
〉Yes, indeed♪
〉I know that you fond of “Knock, knock, jokes.” ←(right?)
〉You sometimes wrote about it on the other boards.
I think they were terrible. But even so I enjoy 'Knock, knock, jokes'.
〉Also I know that
〉"Knock, Knock" "Who's there?" "A" "A who?"
〉and we can put anything on next for the continuation of this joke.
〉So I could understand that he was “Taro” if this “Who” was a “Body”.
〉But “Who” was a “Boy”…
Yes, I understand your confusion.
I intended that "a young man" = "Boy" = "body" is Taro.
It's my 「まっいいか♪」-World, sorry.
〉Gee, I have a poor ability at English and jokes.
I don't think so. You told me 'Mother Goose'. It's fun.
〉Even though I am an awkward beginner to write in English,
〉I have been quite enjoy chatting with you and other authors♪
Me, too♪
〉〉〉In that case, I want Taro-body back.
〉〉〉Can we send out our invitation to Toro-body at Egyptian Art in Metropolitan museum?
〉〉〉To come back again our story?
〉〉それもあり! ちがうのもあり! なんでもあり! 締め切りがくるまで(いつ?)
〉〉To be continued!!
〉Ok, that sounds fantastic!!
Thank you.
By the way everybody, would you mind if I wish to set a time limit?
I'm a kind of slow sprint runner, not a distance runner.
それに締め切り前のドタバタを見るのが楽しみ、だったりして。 (^_-)-☆
How about you(friends)?
お名前: はまこ
投稿日: 2005/11/1(12:32)
Hi, Banana the Bunny!
This is Hamako the Sweet♪
I've believed that you'll be sure to join us.
〉Banana-chan(I'm afraid of too casual) Welcome to the WONDER-ful world!!
〉I'm glad you join us. You gave me 「そうきたかー!」-feeling.
Me, too!
I thought "He have a wit brain!"
〉Izuko Moring and Hamako gave me 「そうきたかー!」-feeling, too!!
〉It's a complex feeling. It includes mainly admiration and excitement
〉and partly 「やられたー」.
And of course there are you, Umi, too.
〉I love this feeling!!
〉By the way my last posting↑ had a lot of Japanese. So sorry.
〉I had a schedule. Then I wanted to write it as soon as possible.
Never mind. You seem like very busy.
〉Oh, no. I found some mistakes. Please let me correct a big mistake.
〉It's 'the Deah of God' I had better to write ' the God of Death' at least.
〉But I felt it's still strange. Then I asked my dictionary.
〉It told me "死神 is 'Death' or 'the Grim Reaper' in English"
Hm-mm, I see.
〉Yes, I understand your confusion.
〉I intended that "a young man" = "Boy" = "body" is Taro.
〉It's my 「まっいいか♪」-World, sorry.
Really!? "a young man" = "Boy" for you?
I thought that "a young man" = "one of the working people",
and "boy" ="one of a studet or a teenager".
〉〉Gee, I have a poor ability at English and jokes.
〉I don't think so. You told me 'Mother Goose'. It's fun.
Oh, thank you.
〉By the way everybody, would you mind if I wish to set a time limit?
〉I'm a kind of slow sprint runner, not a distance runner.
〉それに締め切り前のドタバタを見るのが楽しみ、だったりして。 (^_-)-☆
〉How about you(friends)?
I'm a distance runner. Fu fu.
But of course I agree with you!
When will it be a good for you(friends) the time limit?
お名前: バナナ
投稿日: 2005/11/1(22:07)
〉Hi, Banana the Bunny!
〉This is Hamako the Sweet♪
Hi Hamako the Sweet , Moring, Umi, Izuko
〉I've believed that you'll be sure to join us.
Thank you for your believing.
〉〉Banana-chan(I'm afraid of too casual) Welcome to the WONDER-ful world!!
〉〉I'm glad you join us. You gave me 「そうきたかー!」-feeling.
Banana-chan is glad to hear your saying such.
〉Me, too!
〉I thought "He have a wit brain!"
Um, you have a sight of seeing truth, I hope.
〉〉Izuko Moring and Hamako gave me 「そうきたかー!」-feeling, too!!
〉〉It's a complex feeling. It includes mainly admiration and excitement
〉〉and partly 「やられたー」.
〉And of course there are you, Umi, too.
So I joined.
〉〉I love this feeling!!
Me too.
Let us continue !
842. Re: ako is trembling down on Banana's back !! Ba-a-aang !!
お名前: ako
投稿日: 2005/11/1(23:35)
Hellooooo Banana !
This is ako, coming from the Hell....
You have enough time to write super splendid Engliiiiiish !!!
I'll be back,soooooooon !!
You, guys, wait until the time !!!!!!!
お名前: モーリン
投稿日: 2005/11/2(02:57)
Hi. This is Moring!
I slept 28 hours from Saturday morning to Sunday noon.
Then I didn't have time to come here.
And the stage of story had changed during my long nap.
But it's still in Halloween mood.
And where is Hanako now. I miss Hanako.
And why Taro's body came from Nagoya? I think he died in NY. Because He had been in NY.
(But I might lead this idea, especially this place name.)
May be he died on a trip to Japan, didn't he? Izuko-san didn't mention
about the place he had died.
And Banana-san welcome from China! I'm waiting you find this fun corroboration.
OK. What happen next?
お名前: 海
投稿日: 2005/11/2(19:33)
Hi, Moring-chan(Is it OK? I'd like to call you this way at least once.)
This is Umi.
〉I slept 28 hours from Saturday morning to Sunday noon.
Oh. Sounds like heaven. Maybe you had hard days last week.
〉Then I didn't have time to come here.
I've missed you. But OK. I guess you become more energetic this week. It's good.
〉And the stage of story had changed during my long nap.
〉But it's still in Halloween mood.
〉And where is Hanako now. I miss Hanako.
Yes. For example Hanako is the rebirth of the Queen of the Nile.
Pharaoh-mummy told Taro-body it. How do you think this situation?
〉And why Taro's body came from Nagoya? I think he died in NY. Because He had been in NY.
〉(But I might lead this idea, especially this place name.)
〉May be he died on a trip to Japan, didn't he? Izuko-san didn't mention
〉about the place he had died.
Oh, my goodness! I thought it's a kind of quiz.
I thought you asked secretly "Where is Taro's birthplace?" And I answered.
Sorry. I misunderstood. しまった! 読みを誤っていたのね(^^ゞ
Of course he died in NY. I must have skipped a key information. So sorry.
Please let me add this↓ line after the Knock-Knock-joke.
P.S. Taro's funeral was held in his hometown. His family and friend mourned the passing.
See you♪
Hi Umi. This is Moring.
〉Hi, Moring-chan(Is it OK? I'd like to call you this way at least once.)
May I call you "Umi"? And you can call me "Moring".
I think "chan" is not fitted to me. Because I'm a middle middle age man.
〉〉I slept 28 hours from Saturday morning to Sunday noon.
〉Oh. Sounds like heaven. Maybe you had hard days last week.
Yah, so did I.
〉I've missed you. But OK. I guess you become more energetic this week. It's good.
Thank you.
〉Yes. For example Hanako is the rebirth of the Queen of the Nile.
〉Pharaoh-mummy told Taro-body it. How do you think this situation?
Yes. Actually Izuko-san already confusing about whose soul is in who's body.
I agree with Izuko-san. We need some figure of this mess.
〉Oh, my goodness! I thought it's a kind of quiz.
〉I thought you asked secretly "Where is Taro's birthplace?" And I answered.
〉Sorry. I misunderstood. しまった! 読みを誤っていたのね(^^ゞ
Sorry. I didn't mean what you said. My posting had misleaded you to the wrong palce.
〉Please let me add this↓ line after the Knock-Knock-joke.
〉P.S. Taro's funeral was held in his hometown. His family and friend mourned the passing.
Oh, this is a good idea. Then no wander that Taro-soul had been in Nagoya.
〉See you♪
お名前: いづこ
投稿日: 2005/10/22(23:16)
Once upon a time, there were a young man and a young woman.
Their names were Taro and Hanako.
They live in New York.
809. Re: Chain Story - Untitled
お名前: モーリン
投稿日: 2005/10/23(02:01)
〉Once upon a time, there were a young man and a young woman.
〉Their names were Taro and Hanako.
〉They live in New York.
Perhaps you know the New York.
It is big and busy city now. Many people live in there.
And there are many tall buildings, even the city is actually a island though.
810. Re: Chain Story - Untitled
お名前: 海
投稿日: 2005/10/23(07:27)
〉〉Once upon a time, there were a young man and a young woman.
〉〉Their names were Taro and Hanako.
〉〉They live in New York.
〉Perhaps you know the New York.
〉It is big and busy city now. Many people live in there.
〉And there are many tall buildings, even the city is actually a island though.
New York is attractive and dangerous like Hanako.
New York is exciting and lonely like Taro.
Then each of them decided "I'll have a pet. What kind of?"
812. Re: Chain Story - Untitled
お名前: いづこ
投稿日: 2005/10/24(15:51)
〉〉〉Once upon a time, there were a young man and a young woman.
〉〉〉Their names were Taro and Hanako.
〉〉〉They live in New York.
〉〉Perhaps you know the New York.
〉〉It is big and busy city now. Many people live in there.
〉〉And there are many tall buildings, even the city is actually a island though.
〉New York is attractive and dangerous like Hanako.
〉New York is exciting and lonely like Taro.
〉Then each of them decided "I'll have a pet. What kind of?"
Hanako went to a cat home, and got a white beautiful cat there.
Taro decided to go to a dog home the next day.
But next morning, suddenly, Taro died.
p.s. タローファンの皆様、ごめんなさい。(誰もいないか・・・)
(↑ Dear next writer, please erase the p.s. and this line.)
813. Re: Chain Story - Untitled - Happy Story or Sad story?
お名前: モーリン
投稿日: 2005/10/25(00:29)
〉〉〉〉Once upon a time, there were a young man and a young woman.
〉〉〉〉Their names were Taro and Hanako.
〉〉〉〉They live in New York.
〉〉〉Perhaps you know the New York.
〉〉〉It is big and busy city now. Many people live in there.
〉〉〉And there are many tall buildings, even the city is actually a island though.
〉〉New York is attractive and dangerous like Hanako.
〉〉New York is exciting and lonely like Taro.
〉〉Then each of them decided "I'll have a pet. What kind of?"
〉Hanako went to a cat home, and got a white beautiful cat there.
〉Taro decided to go to a dog home the next day.
〉But next morning, suddenly, Taro died.
Taro noticed he was floating in air. He saw his body below him.
He tried to get in the body, but he couldn't.
But he never want to go either Heaven or Hell.
Then he tried to get in the body of cat that Hanako bought. And he did.
814. Re: Chain Story - Untitled - Happy Story or Sad story?
お名前: クッキー
投稿日: 2005/10/25(10:12)
続きをお願いしま〜す!!! m(_ _)m
〉〉〉〉〉Once upon a time, there were a young man and a young woman.
〉〉〉〉〉Their names were Taro and Hanako.
〉〉〉〉〉They live in New York.
〉〉〉〉Perhaps you know the New York.
〉〉〉〉It is big and busy city now. Many people live in there.
〉〉〉〉And there are many tall buildings, even the city is actually a island though.
〉〉〉New York is attractive and dangerous like Hanako.
〉〉〉New York is exciting and lonely like Taro.
〉〉〉Then each of them decided "I'll have a pet. What kind of?"
〉〉Hanako went to a cat home, and got a white beautiful cat there.
〉〉Taro decided to go to a dog home the next day.
〉〉But next morning, suddenly, Taro died.
〉Taro noticed he was floating in air. He saw his body below him.
〉He tried to get in the body, but he couldn't.
〉But he never want to go either Heaven or Hell.
〉Then he tried to get in the body of cat that Hanako bought. And he did.
815. Re: Chain Story - Untitled - Happy Story or Sad story?
お名前: 海
投稿日: 2005/10/25(12:38)
Yes, Yes!!
I agree with you!!
〉〉〉〉〉Once upon a time, there were a young man and a young woman.
〉〉〉〉〉Their names were Taro and Hanako.
〉〉〉〉〉They live in New York.
〉〉〉〉Perhaps you know the New York.
〉〉〉〉It is big and busy city now. Many people live in there.
〉〉〉〉And there are many tall buildings, even the city is actually a island though.
〉〉〉New York is attractive and dangerous like Hanako.
〉〉〉New York is exciting and lonely like Taro.
〉〉〉Then each of them decided "I'll have a pet. What kind of?"
〉〉Hanako went to a cat home, and got a white beautiful cat there.
〉〉Taro decided to go to a dog home the next day.
〉〉But next morning, suddenly, Taro died.
〉Taro noticed he was floating in air. He saw his body below him.
〉He tried to get in the body, but he couldn't.
〉But he never want to go either Heaven or Hell.
〉Then he tried to get in the body of cat that Hanako bought. And he did.
It's me & Welcome Cookie-san and friends to this story!!
Taro-cat was very tired. He fell asleep.
Next morning he woke up. He was surprised! A beautiful woman gazed at him.
His heart beat strongly. He wanted to say something. Then he said MEOW...
816. Re: Chain Story - Untitled - Happy Story or Sad story?
お名前: モーリン
投稿日: 2005/10/25(13:02)
海さんの最後の "MEOW"、読んでて来るかなって思ったらやっぱりきた。GOODです。
〉〉〉〉〉〉Once upon a time, there were a young man and a young woman.
〉〉〉〉〉〉Their names were Taro and Hanako.
〉〉〉〉〉〉They live in New York.
〉〉〉〉〉Perhaps you know the New York.
〉〉〉〉〉It is big and busy city now. Many people live in there.
〉〉〉〉〉And there are many tall buildings, even the city is actually a island though.
〉〉〉〉New York is attractive and dangerous like Hanako.
〉〉〉〉New York is exciting and lonely like Taro.
〉〉〉〉Then each of them decided "I'll have a pet. What kind of?"
〉〉〉Hanako went to a cat home, and got a white beautiful cat there.
〉〉〉Taro decided to go to a dog home the next day.
〉〉〉But next morning, suddenly, Taro died.
〉〉Taro noticed he was floating in air. He saw his body below him.
〉〉He tried to get in the body, but he couldn't.
〉〉But he never want to go either Heaven or Hell.
〉〉Then he tried to get in the body of cat that Hanako bought. And he did.
〉Taro-cat was very tired. He fell asleep.
〉Next morning he woke up. He was surprised! A beautiful woman gazed at him.
〉His heart beat strongly. He wanted to say something. Then he said MEOW...
Cutting in. 〉いづこさんのフェイントも話しに変化がついて、結果オーライです。 はい! そうですね! はらはらどきどき。あーおもしろかった(^^♪ 〉海さんの最後の "MEOW"、読んでて来るかなって思ったらやっぱりきた。GOODです。 !(^^)! 〉とうことで、起承転結の「起」はほぼ完了と言うことで、次の人はそろそろ 〉「承」の展開をよろし御願いします。 m(__)m
820. Re: Chain Story - Untitled - Happy Story or Sad story?
お名前: はまこ
投稿日: 2005/10/27(13:05)
Once upon a time, there were a young man and a young woman.
Their names were Taro and Hanako.
They live in New York.
Perhaps you know the New York.
It is big and busy city now. Many people live in there.
And there are many tall buildings, even the city is actually a island though.
New York is attractive and dangerous like Hanako.
New York is exciting and lonely like Taro.
Then each of them decided "I'll have a pet. What kind of?"
Hanako went to a cat home, and got a white beautiful cat there.
Taro decided to go to a dog home the next day.
But next morning, suddenly, Taro died.
Taro noticed he was floating in air. He saw his body below him.
He tried to get in the body, but he couldn't.
But he never want to go either Heaven or Hell.
Then he tried to get in the body of cat that Hanako bought. And he did.
Taro-cat was very tired. He fell asleep.
Next morning he woke up. He was surprised! A beautiful woman gazed at him.
His heart beat strongly. He wanted to say something. Then he said MEOW...
'W-What? What's happen...!?' His heart beat more strongly.
But Taro-cat got his temper under control and asked the beautiful woman politely.
"Excuse me, but could you tell me where am I?" (MEOW, MEOWOOO...)
823. Re: Chain Story - Untitled - Happy Story or Sad story?
お名前: 海
投稿日: 2005/10/28(09:25)
Hi, Hama-chan. Welcome to the WONDER-ful world!!
I'm glad to see you.
〉Once upon a time, there were a young man and a young woman.
〉Their names were Taro and Hanako.
〉They live in New York.
〉Perhaps you know the New York.
〉It is big and busy city now. Many people live in there.
〉And there are many tall buildings, even the city is actually a island though.
〉New York is attractive and dangerous like Hanako.
〉New York is exciting and lonely like Taro.
〉Then each of them decided "I'll have a pet. What kind of?"
〉Hanako went to a cat home, and got a white beautiful cat there.
〉Taro decided to go to a dog home the next day.
〉But next morning, suddenly, Taro died.
〉Taro noticed he was floating in air. He saw his body below him.
〉He tried to get in the body, but he couldn't.
〉But he never want to go either Heaven or Hell.
〉Then he tried to get in the body of cat that Hanako bought. And he did.
〉Taro-cat was very tired. He fell asleep.
〉Next morning he woke up. He was surprised! A beautiful woman gazed at him.
〉His heart beat strongly. He wanted to say something. Then he said MEOW...
〉'W-What? What's happen...!?' His heart beat more strongly.
〉But Taro-cat got his temper under control and asked the beautiful woman politely.
〉"Excuse me, but could you tell me where am I?" (MEOW, MEOWOOO...)
Hanako was an Attractive Beautiful Cool Dangerous and Evil woman. (You know? A-B-C-D-E)
She stared at his snowy coat and said "How noisy you are! But you are so cute."
She thought "Anyway I have no friends. It'll become a good listener at least."
825. Re: Chain Story - Untitled - Happy Story or Sad story?
お名前: モーリン
投稿日: 2005/10/28(12:47)
Hi. This is Moring.
It's lunch time now. Can I write next?
〉〉Once upon a time, there were a young man and a young woman.
〉〉Their names were Taro and Hanako.
〉〉They live in New York.
〉〉Perhaps you know the New York.
〉〉It is big and busy city now. Many people live in there.
〉〉And there are many tall buildings, even the city is actually a island though.
〉〉New York is attractive and dangerous like Hanako.
〉〉New York is exciting and lonely like Taro.
〉〉Then each of them decided "I'll have a pet. What kind of?"
〉〉Hanako went to a cat home, and got a white beautiful cat there.
〉〉Taro decided to go to a dog home the next day.
〉〉But next morning, suddenly, Taro died.
〉〉Taro noticed he was floating in air. He saw his body below him.
〉〉He tried to get in the body, but he couldn't.
〉〉But he never want to go either Heaven or Hell.
〉〉Then he tried to get in the body of cat that Hanako bought. And he did.
〉〉Taro-cat was very tired. He fell asleep.
〉〉Next morning he woke up. He was surprised! A beautiful woman gazed at him.
〉〉His heart beat strongly. He wanted to say something. Then he said MEOW...
〉〉'W-What? What's happen...!?' His heart beat more strongly.
〉〉But Taro-cat got his temper under control and asked the beautiful woman politely.
〉〉"Excuse me, but could you tell me where am I?" (MEOW, MEOWOOO...)
〉Hanako was an Attractive Beautiful Cool Dangerous and Evil woman. (You know? A-B-C-D-E)
〉She stared at his snowy coat and said "How noisy you are! But you are so cute."
〉She thought "Anyway I have no friends. It'll become a good listener at least."
Their lovely life had started.
She fed him delicious foods. She played with him often. She hugged him always.
He thought, “Lovely women. Good food. No work. This is a good life. It'll be perfect if I could speak human language”.
Who's next?
826. Re: Chain Story - Untitled - Happy Story or Sad story?
お名前: はまこ
投稿日: 2005/10/28(17:44)
Hi, this is Hamako.
I got home. Can I write next?
Once upon a time, there were a young man and a young woman.
Their names were Taro and Hanako.
They live in New York.
Perhaps you know the New York.
It is big and busy city now. Many people live in there.
And there are many tall buildings, even the city is actually a island though.
New York is attractive and dangerous like Hanako.
New York is exciting and lonely like Taro.
Then each of them decided "I'll have a pet. What kind of?"
Hanako went to a cat home, and got a white beautiful cat there.
Taro decided to go to a dog home the next day.
But next morning, suddenly, Taro died.
Taro noticed he was floating in air. He saw his body below him.
He tried to get in the body, but he couldn't.
But he never want to go either Heaven or Hell.
Then he tried to get in the body of cat that Hanako bought. And he did.
Taro-cat was very tired. He fell asleep.
Next morning he woke up. He was surprised! A beautiful woman gazed at him.
His heart beat strongly. He wanted to say something. Then he said MEOW...
'W-What? What's happen...!?' His heart beat more strongly.
But Taro-cat got his temper under control and asked the beautiful woman politely.
"Excuse me, but could you tell me where am I?" (MEOW, MEOWOOO...)
Hanako was an Attractive Beautiful Cool Dangerous and Evil woman. (You know? A-B-C-D-E)
She stared at his snowy coat and said "How noisy you are! But you are so cute."
She thought "Anyway I have no friends. It'll become a good listener at least."
Their lovely life had started.
She fed him delicious foods. She played with him often. She hugged him always.
He thought, “Lovely women. Good food. No work. This is a good life. It'll be perfect if I could speak human language”.
One day when Taro-cat was taking a nap, a loud voice came from nowhere.
“I know that you aren’t a cat!”
“Who is it!?”
828. Re: Chain Story - Untitled - Happy Story or Sad story?
お名前: いづこ
投稿日: 2005/10/28(22:39)
Once upon a time, there were a young man and a young woman.
Their names were Taro and Hanako.
They live in New York.
Perhaps you know the New York.
It is big and busy city now. Many people live in there.
And there are many tall buildings, even the city is actually a island though.
New York is attractive and dangerous like Hanako.
New York is exciting and lonely like Taro.
Then each of them decided "I'll have a pet. What kind of?"
Hanako went to a cat home, and got a white beautiful cat there.
Taro decided to go to a dog home the next day.
But next morning, suddenly, Taro died.
Taro noticed he was floating in air. He saw his body below him.
He tried to get in the body, but he couldn't.
But he never want to go either Heaven or Hell.
Then he tried to get in the body of cat that Hanako bought. And he did.
Taro-cat was very tired. He fell asleep.
Next morning he woke up. He was surprised! A beautiful woman gazed at him.
His heart beat strongly. He wanted to say something. Then he said MEOW...
'W-What? What's happen...!?' His heart beat more strongly.
But Taro-cat got his temper under control and asked the beautiful woman politely.
"Excuse me, but could you tell me where am I?" (MEOW, MEOWOOO...)
Hanako was an Attractive Beautiful Cool Dangerous and Evil woman. (You know? A-B-C-D-E)
She stared at his snowy coat and said "How noisy you are! But you are so cute."
She thought "Anyway I have no friends. It'll become a good listener at least."
Their lovely life had started.
She fed him delicious foods. She played with him often. She hugged him always.
He thought, “Lovely women. Good food. No work. This is a good life. It'll be perfect if I could speak human language”.
One day when Taro-cat was taking a nap, a loud voice came from nowhere.
“I know that you aren’t a cat!”
“Who is it!?”
"I am God of Language. I know you wish for a speaking ability.
You were poor and died suddenly because of a bad author. I wil give you this."
It was something like a helmet of Taro-cat's size. He put it on.
829. Re: Chain Story - Untitled - Happy Story or Sad story?
お名前: モーリン
投稿日: 2005/10/29(01:52)
I got a idea. May I continue?
〉Once upon a time, there were a young man and a young woman.
〉Their names were Taro and Hanako.
〉They live in New York.
〉Perhaps you know the New York.
〉It is big and busy city now. Many people live in there.
〉And there are many tall buildings, even the city is actually a island though.
〉New York is attractive and dangerous like Hanako.
〉New York is exciting and lonely like Taro.
〉Then each of them decided "I'll have a pet. What kind of?"
〉Hanako went to a cat home, and got a white beautiful cat there.
〉Taro decided to go to a dog home the next day.
〉But next morning, suddenly, Taro died.
〉Taro noticed he was floating in air. He saw his body below him.
〉He tried to get in the body, but he couldn't.
〉But he never want to go either Heaven or Hell.
〉Then he tried to get in the body of cat that Hanako bought. And he did.
〉Taro-cat was very tired. He fell asleep.
〉Next morning he woke up. He was surprised! A beautiful woman gazed at him.
〉His heart beat strongly. He wanted to say something. Then he said MEOW...
〉'W-What? What's happen...!?' His heart beat more strongly.
〉But Taro-cat got his temper under control and asked the beautiful woman politely.
〉"Excuse me, but could you tell me where am I?" (MEOW, MEOWOOO...)
〉Hanako was an Attractive Beautiful Cool Dangerous and Evil woman. (You know? A-B-C-D-E)
〉She stared at his snowy coat and said "How noisy you are! But you are so cute."
〉She thought "Anyway I have no friends. It'll become a good listener at least."
〉Their lovely life had started.
〉She fed him delicious foods. She played with him often. She hugged him always.
〉He thought, “Lovely women. Good food. No work. This is a good life. It'll be perfect if I could speak human language”.
〉One day when Taro-cat was taking a nap, a loud voice came from nowhere.
〉“I know that you aren’t a cat!”
〉“Who is it!?”
〉"I am God of Language. I know you wish for a speaking ability.
〉You were poor and died suddenly because of a bad author. I wil give you this."
〉It was something like a helmet of Taro-cat's size. He put it on.
He tried to say something. Then he said "Hello." And sound came out "He-nyaw".
It was little bit strange. But it was human language. He shouted, "Oh Meow-y God!".
He thought, "Wait! This sounds like the local tongue of some part of Japan!".
Any way he could speak now.
Who's next?
830. Re: Chain Story - Untitled - Happy Story or Sad story?
お名前: 海
投稿日: 2005/10/29(07:13)
〉〉Once upon a time, there were a young man and a young woman.
〉〉Their names were Taro and Hanako.
〉〉They live in New York.
〉〉Perhaps you know the New York.
〉〉It is big and busy city now. Many people live in there.
〉〉And there are many tall buildings, even the city is actually a island though.
〉〉New York is attractive and dangerous like Hanako.
〉〉New York is exciting and lonely like Taro.
〉〉Then each of them decided "I'll have a pet. What kind of?"
〉〉Hanako went to a cat home, and got a white beautiful cat there.
〉〉Taro decided to go to a dog home the next day.
〉〉But next morning, suddenly, Taro died.
〉〉Taro noticed he was floating in air. He saw his body below him.
〉〉He tried to get in the body, but he couldn't.
〉〉But he never want to go either Heaven or Hell.
〉〉Then he tried to get in the body of cat that Hanako bought. And he did.
〉〉Taro-cat was very tired. He fell asleep.
〉〉Next morning he woke up. He was surprised! A beautiful woman gazed at him.
〉〉His heart beat strongly. He wanted to say something. Then he said MEOW...
〉〉'W-What? What's happen...!?' His heart beat more strongly.
〉〉But Taro-cat got his temper under control and asked the beautiful woman politely.
〉〉"Excuse me, but could you tell me where am I?" (MEOW, MEOWOOO...)
〉〉Hanako was an Attractive Beautiful Cool Dangerous and Evil woman. (You know? A-B-C-D-E)
〉〉She stared at his snowy coat and said "How noisy you are! But you are so cute."
〉〉She thought "Anyway I have no friends. It'll become a good listener at least."
〉〉Their lovely life had started.
〉〉She fed him delicious foods. She played with him often. She hugged him always.
〉〉He thought, “Lovely women. Good food. No work. This is a good life. It'll be perfect if I could speak human language”.
〉〉One day when Taro-cat was taking a nap, a loud voice came from nowhere.
〉〉“I know that you aren’t a cat!”
〉〉“Who is it!?”
〉〉"I am God of Language. I know you wish for a speaking ability.
〉〉You were poor and died suddenly because of a bad author. I wil give you this."
〉〉It was something like a helmet of Taro-cat's size. He put it on.
〉He tried to say something. Then he said "Hello." And sound came out "He-nyaw".
〉It was little bit strange. But it was human language. He shouted, "Oh Meow-y God!".
〉He thought, "Wait! This sounds like the local tongue of some part of Japan!".
〉Any way he could speak now.
Suddenly.....Bang, Bang.
"Knock, Knock"
"Who's there?"
"Body who?"
"Boy came from a graveyard in Nagoya."
I must have busy weekend than usual.
I'd like to leave you(I mean anyone) this mess.
So sorry....
832. Re: Chain Story - Untitled - Happy Story or Sad story?
お名前: はまこ
投稿日: 2005/10/29(20:30)
Once upon a time, there were a young man and a young woman.
Their names were Taro and Hanako.
They live in New York.
Perhaps you know the New York.
It is big and busy city now. Many people live in there.
And there are many tall buildings, even the city is actually a island though.
New York is attractive and dangerous like Hanako.
New York is exciting and lonely like Taro.
Then each of them decided "I'll have a pet. What kind of?"
Hanako went to a cat home, and got a white beautiful cat there.
Taro decided to go to a dog home the next day.
But next morning, suddenly, Taro died.
Taro noticed he was floating in air. He saw his body below him.
He tried to get in the body, but he couldn't.
But he never want to go either Heaven or Hell.
Then he tried to get in the body of cat that Hanako bought. And he did.
Taro-cat was very tired. He fell asleep.
Next morning he woke up. He was surprised! A beautiful woman gazed at him.
His heart beat strongly. He wanted to say something. Then he said MEOW...
'W-What? What's happen...!?' His heart beat more strongly.
But Taro-cat got his temper under control and asked the beautiful woman politely.
"Excuse me, but could you tell me where am I?" (MEOW, MEOWOOO...)
Hanako was an Attractive Beautiful Cool Dangerous and Evil woman. (You know? A-B-C-D-E)
She stared at his snowy coat and said "How noisy you are! But you are so cute."
She thought "Anyway I have no friends. It'll become a good listener at least."
Their lovely life had started.
She fed him delicious foods. She played with him often. She hugged him always.
He thought, “Lovely women. Good food. No work. This is a good life. It'll be perfect if I could speak human language”.
One day when Taro-cat was taking a nap, a loud voice came from nowhere.
“I know that you aren’t a cat!”
“Who is it!?”
"I am God of Language. I know you wish for a speaking ability.
You were poor and died suddenly because of a bad author. I wil give you this."
It was something like a helmet of Taro-cat's size. He put it on.
He tried to say something. Then he said "Hello." And sound came out "He-nyaw".
It was little bit strange. But it was human language. He shouted, "Oh Meow-y God!".
He thought, "Wait! This sounds like the local tongue of some part of Japan!".
Any way he could speak now.
Suddenly.....Bang, Bang.
"Knock, Knock"
"Who's there?"
"Body who?"
"Boy came from a graveyard in Nagoya."
'To open, or not to open, that is the question...'
Taro-cat really looked like Ham-Taro...No, Hamlet...
His whiskers shock with fear. But he decided, "C, comew in."
833. Re: Chain Story - Untitled - Happy Story or Sad story?
お名前: 海
投稿日: 2005/10/30(21:47)
〉Once upon a time, there were a young man and a young woman.
〉Their names were Taro and Hanako.
〉They live in New York.
〉Perhaps you know the New York.
〉It is big and busy city now. Many people live in there.
〉And there are many tall buildings, even the city is actually a island though.
〉New York is attractive and dangerous like Hanako.
〉New York is exciting and lonely like Taro.
〉Then each of them decided "I'll have a pet. What kind of?"
〉Hanako went to a cat home, and got a white beautiful cat there.
〉Taro decided to go to a dog home the next day.
〉But next morning, suddenly, Taro died.
〉Taro noticed he was floating in air. He saw his body below him.
〉He tried to get in the body, but he couldn't.
〉But he never want to go either Heaven or Hell.
〉Then he tried to get in the body of cat that Hanako bought. And he did.
〉Taro-cat was very tired. He fell asleep.
〉Next morning he woke up. He was surprised! A beautiful woman gazed at him.
〉His heart beat strongly. He wanted to say something. Then he said MEOW...
〉'W-What? What's happen...!?' His heart beat more strongly.
〉But Taro-cat got his temper under control and asked the beautiful woman politely.
〉"Excuse me, but could you tell me where am I?" (MEOW, MEOWOOO...)
〉Hanako was an Attractive Beautiful Cool Dangerous and Evil woman. (You know? A-B-C-D-E)
〉She stared at his snowy coat and said "How noisy you are! But you are so cute."
〉She thought "Anyway I have no friends. It'll become a good listener at least."
〉Their lovely life had started.
〉She fed him delicious foods. She played with him often. She hugged him always.
〉He thought, “Lovely women. Good food. No work. This is a good life. It'll be perfect if I could speak human language”.
〉One day when Taro-cat was taking a nap, a loud voice came from nowhere.
〉“I know that you aren’t a cat!”
〉“Who is it!?”
〉"I am God of Language. I know you wish for a speaking ability.
〉You were poor and died suddenly because of a bad author. I wil give you this."
〉It was something like a helmet of Taro-cat's size. He put it on.
〉He tried to say something. Then he said "Hello." And sound came out "He-nyaw".
〉It was little bit strange. But it was human language. He shouted, "Oh Meow-y God!".
〉He thought, "Wait! This sounds like the local tongue of some part of Japan!".
〉Any way he could speak now.
〉Suddenly.....Bang, Bang.
〉"Knock, Knock"
〉"Who's there?"
〉"Body who?"
〉"Boy came from a graveyard in Nagoya."
〉'To open, or not to open, that is the question...'
〉Taro-cat really looked like Ham-Taro...No, Hamlet...
〉His whiskers shock with fear. But he decided, "C, comew in."
A familiar face appeared. Taro-cat gasped. Taro-body smiled happily.
At that moment Hanako came home. She found Taro-cat's confusion.
She was an A-B-C-D-E and strong woman. She beat and kicked Taro-body.
Taro-body run away and went to Egyptian Art in Metropolitan museum.
837. Re: Chain Story - Untitled - Happy Story or Sad story?
お名前: バナナ
投稿日: 2005/11/1(00:24)
Hello. This is Baba.
I laughed out loudly.
Your stories are very funny.
I'd like to join you.
So, I added.
Once upon a time, there were a young man and a young woman.
Their names were Taro and Hanako.
They live in New York.
Perhaps you know the New York.
It is big and busy city now. Many people live in there.
And there are many tall buildings, even the city is actually a island though.
New York is attractive and dangerous like Hanako.
New York is exciting and lonely like Taro.
Then each of them decided "I'll have a pet. What kind of?"
Hanako went to a cat home, and got a white beautiful cat there.
Taro decided to go to a dog home the next day.
But next morning, suddenly, Taro died.
Taro noticed he was floating in air. He saw his body below him.
He tried to get in the body, but he couldn't.
But he never want to go either Heaven or Hell.
Then he tried to get in the body of cat that Hanako bought. And he did.
Taro-cat was very tired. He fell asleep.
Next morning he woke up. He was surprised! A beautiful woman gazed at him.
His heart beat strongly. He wanted to say something. Then he said MEOW...
'W-What? What's happen...!?' His heart beat more strongly.
But Taro-cat got his temper under control and asked the beautiful woman politely.
"Excuse me, but could you tell me where am I?" (MEOW, MEOWOOO...)
Hanako was an Attractive Beautiful Cool Dangerous and Evil woman. (You know? A-B-C-D-E)
She stared at his snowy coat and said "How noisy you are! But you are so cute."
She thought "Anyway I have no friends. It'll become a good listener at least."
Their lovely life had started.
She fed him delicious foods. She played with him often. She hugged him always.
He thought, “Lovely women. Good food. No work. This is a good life. It'll be perfect if I could speak human language”.
One day when Taro-cat was taking a nap, a loud voice came from nowhere.
“I know that you aren’t a cat!”
“Who is it!?”
"I am God of Language. I know you wish for a speaking ability.
You were poor and died suddenly because of a bad author. I wil give you this."
It was something like a helmet of Taro-cat's size. He put it on.
He tried to say something. Then he said "Hello." And sound came out "He-nyaw".
It was little bit strange. But it was human language. He shouted, "Oh Meow-y God!".
He thought, "Wait! This sounds like the local tongue of some part of Japan!".
Any way he could speak now.
Suddenly.....Bang, Bang.
"Knock, Knock"
"Who's there?"
"Body who?"
"Boy came from a graveyard in Nagoya."
'To open, or not to open, that is the question...'
Taro-cat really looked like Ham-Taro...No, Hamlet...
His whiskers shock with fear. But he decided, "C, comew in."
A familiar face appeared. Taro-cat gasped. Taro-body smiled happily.
At that moment Hanako came home. She found Taro-cat's confusion.
She was an A-B-C-D-E and strong woman. She beat and kicked Taro-body.
Taro-body run away and went to Egyptian Art in Metropolitan museum.
Taro-body looked a picutre of a cat in the museum.
Suddenly the cat spoke to Taro-body.
"I lost my body. Your soul stole my body."
840. Re: Chain Story - Untitled - Happy Story or Sad story?
お名前: はまこ
投稿日: 2005/11/1(13:03)
Once upon a time, there were a young man and a young woman.
Their names were Taro and Hanako.
They live in New York.
Perhaps you know the New York.
It is big and busy city now. Many people live in there.
And there are many tall buildings, even the city is actually a island though.
New York is attractive and dangerous like Hanako.
New York is exciting and lonely like Taro.
Then each of them decided "I'll have a pet. What kind of?"
Hanako went to a cat home, and got a white beautiful cat there.
Taro decided to go to a dog home the next day.
But next morning, suddenly, Taro died.
Taro noticed he was floating in air. He saw his body below him.
He tried to get in the body, but he couldn't.
But he never want to go either Heaven or Hell.
Then he tried to get in the body of cat that Hanako bought. And he did.
Taro-cat was very tired. He fell asleep.
Next morning he woke up. He was surprised! A beautiful woman gazed at him.
His heart beat strongly. He wanted to say something. Then he said MEOW...
'W-What? What's happen...!?' His heart beat more strongly.
But Taro-cat got his temper under control and asked the beautiful woman politely.
"Excuse me, but could you tell me where am I?" (MEOW, MEOWOOO...)
Hanako was an Attractive Beautiful Cool Dangerous and Evil woman. (You know? A-B-C-D-E)
She stared at his snowy coat and said "How noisy you are! But you are so cute."
She thought "Anyway I have no friends. It'll become a good listener at least."
Their lovely life had started.
She fed him delicious foods. She played with him often. She hugged him always.
He thought, “Lovely women. Good food. No work. This is a good life. It'll be perfect if I could speak human language”.
One day when Taro-cat was taking a nap, a loud voice came from nowhere.
“I know that you aren’t a cat!”
“Who is it!?”
"I am God of Language. I know you wish for a speaking ability.
You were poor and died suddenly because of a bad author. I wil give you this."
It was something like a helmet of Taro-cat's size. He put it on.
He tried to say something. Then he said "Hello." And sound came out "He-nyaw".
It was little bit strange. But it was human language. He shouted, "Oh Meow-y God!".
He thought, "Wait! This sounds like the local tongue of some part of Japan!".
Any way he could speak now.
Suddenly.....Bang, Bang.
"Knock, Knock"
"Who's there?"
"Body who?"
"Boy came from a graveyard in Nagoya."
'To open, or not to open, that is the question...'
Taro-cat really looked like Ham-Taro...No, Hamlet...
His whiskers shock with fear. But he decided, "C, comew in."
A familiar face appeared. Taro-cat gasped. Taro-body smiled happily.
At that moment Hanako came home. She found Taro-cat's confusion.
She was an A-B-C-D-E and strong woman. She beat and kicked Taro-body.
Taro-body run away and went to Egyptian Art in Metropolitan museum.
Taro-body looked a picutre of a cat in the museum.
Suddenly the cat spoke to Taro-body.
"I lost my body. Your soul stole my body."
"I was eagerly waiting for you come here." Cat-soul said.
"I couldn't kicked out Taro-soul from my body at that time. Because of I had no my foot...
I must go and get my body back to me!"
844. Re: Chain Story - Untitled - Happy Story or Sad story?
お名前: モーリン
投稿日: 2005/11/2(02:17)
Hi their. This is Moring. LTNS.
I slept long time. Sleeping Rudy.
Any way I made next part.
Once upon a time, there were a young man and a young woman.
Their names were Taro and Hanako.
They live in New York.
Perhaps you know the New York.
It is big and busy city now. Many people live in there.
And there are many tall buildings, even the city is actually a island though.
New York is attractive and dangerous like Hanako.
New York is exciting and lonely like Taro.
Then each of them decided "I'll have a pet. What kind of?"
Hanako went to a cat home, and got a white beautiful cat there.
Taro decided to go to a dog home the next day.
But next morning, suddenly, Taro died.
Taro noticed he was floating in air. He saw his body below him.
He tried to get in the body, but he couldn't.
But he never want to go either Heaven or Hell.
Then he tried to get in the body of cat that Hanako bought. And he did.
Taro-cat was very tired. He fell asleep.
Next morning he woke up. He was surprised! A beautiful woman gazed at him.
His heart beat strongly. He wanted to say something. Then he said MEOW...
'W-What? What's happen...!?' His heart beat more strongly.
But Taro-cat got his temper under control and asked the beautiful woman politely.
"Excuse me, but could you tell me where am I?" (MEOW, MEOWOOO...)
Hanako was an Attractive Beautiful Cool Dangerous and Evil woman. (You know? A-B-C-D-E)
She stared at his snowy coat and said "How noisy you are! But you are so cute."
She thought "Anyway I have no friends. It'll become a good listener at least."
Their lovely life had started.
She fed him delicious foods. She played with him often. She hugged him always.
He thought, “Lovely women. Good food. No work. This is a good life. It'll be perfect if I could speak human language”.
One day when Taro-cat was taking a nap, a loud voice came from nowhere.
“I know that you aren’t a cat!”
“Who is it!?”
"I am God of Language. I know you wish for a speaking ability.
You were poor and died suddenly because of a bad author. I wil give you this."
It was something like a helmet of Taro-cat's size. He put it on.
He tried to say something. Then he said "Hello." And sound came out "He-nyaw".
It was little bit strange. But it was human language. He shouted, "Oh Meow-y God!".
He thought, "Wait! This sounds like the local tongue of some part of Japan!".
Any way he could speak now.
Suddenly.....Bang, Bang.
"Knock, Knock"
"Who's there?"
"Body who?"
"Boy came from a graveyard in Nagoya."
'To open, or not to open, that is the question...'
Taro-cat really looked like Ham-Taro...No, Hamlet...
His whiskers shock with fear. But he decided, "C, comew in."
A familiar face appeared. Taro-cat gasped. Taro-body smiled happily.
At that moment Hanako came home. She found Taro-cat's confusion.
She was an A-B-C-D-E and strong woman. She beat and kicked Taro-body.
Taro-body run away and went to Egyptian Art in Metropolitan museum.
Taro-body looked a picutre of a cat in the museum.
Suddenly the cat spoke to Taro-body.
"I lost my body. Your soul stole my body."
"I was eagerly waiting for you come here." Cat-soul said.
"I couldn't kicked out Taro-soul from my body at that time. Because of I had no my foot...
I must go and get my body back to me!"
“Then we have only few days”, Taro-body said.
“A Separated body and soul must return their original shape in seven days.
If you couldn’t it, you never get in the original body. You’ll be a homeless soul.”
Who's next?
848. Re: Chain Story - Untitled - Happy Story or Sad story?
お名前: はまこ
投稿日: 2005/11/2(12:44)
Once upon a time, there were a young man and a young woman.
Their names were Taro and Hanako.
They live in New York.
Perhaps you know the New York.
It is big and busy city now. Many people live in there.
And there are many tall buildings, even the city is actually a island though.
New York is attractive and dangerous like Hanako.
New York is exciting and lonely like Taro.
Then each of them decided "I'll have a pet. What kind of?"
Hanako went to a cat home, and got a white beautiful cat there.
Taro decided to go to a dog home the next day.
But next morning, suddenly, Taro died.
Taro noticed he was floating in air. He saw his body below him.
He tried to get in the body, but he couldn't.
But he never want to go either Heaven or Hell.
Then he tried to get in the body of cat that Hanako bought. And he did.
Taro-cat was very tired. He fell asleep.
Next morning he woke up. He was surprised! A beautiful woman gazed at him.
His heart beat strongly. He wanted to say something. Then he said MEOW...
'W-What? What's happen...!?' His heart beat more strongly.
But Taro-cat got his temper under control and asked the beautiful woman politely.
"Excuse me, but could you tell me where am I?" (MEOW, MEOWOOO...)
Hanako was an Attractive Beautiful Cool Dangerous and Evil woman. (You know? A-B-C-D-E)
She stared at his snowy coat and said "How noisy you are! But you are so cute."
She thought "Anyway I have no friends. It'll become a good listener at least."
Their lovely life had started.
She fed him delicious foods. She played with him often. She hugged him always.
He thought, “Lovely women. Good food. No work. This is a good life. It'll be perfect if I could speak human language”.
One day when Taro-cat was taking a nap, a loud voice came from nowhere.
“I know that you aren’t a cat!”
“Who is it!?”
"I am God of Language. I know you wish for a speaking ability.
You were poor and died suddenly because of a bad author. I wil give you this."
It was something like a helmet of Taro-cat's size. He put it on.
He tried to say something. Then he said "Hello." And sound came out "He-nyaw".
It was little bit strange. But it was human language. He shouted, "Oh Meow-y God!".
He thought, "Wait! This sounds like the local tongue of some part of Japan!".
Any way he could speak now.
Suddenly.....Bang, Bang.
"Knock, Knock"
"Who's there?"
"Body who?"
"Boy came from a graveyard in Nagoya."
'To open, or not to open, that is the question...'
Taro-cat really looked like Ham-Taro...No, Hamlet...
His whiskers shock with fear. But he decided, "C, comew in."
A familiar face appeared. Taro-cat gasped. Taro-body smiled happily.
At that moment Hanako came home. She found Taro-cat's confusion.
She was an A-B-C-D-E and strong woman. She beat and kicked Taro-body.
Taro-body run away and went to Egyptian Art in Metropolitan museum.
Taro-body looked a picutre of a cat in the museum.
Suddenly the cat spoke to Taro-body.
"I lost my body. Your soul stole my body."
"I was eagerly waiting for you come here." Cat-soul said.
"I couldn't kicked out Taro-soul from my body at that time. Because of I had no my foot...
I must go and get my body back to me!"
“Then we have only few days”, Taro-body said.
“A Separated body and soul must return their original shape in seven days.
If you couldn’t it, you never get in the original body. You’ll be a homeless soul.”
Cat-soul slid into Taro-body and they dashed out for the Hanako's apartment.
"They meow coming!" Taro-cat wiggled his ears.
"Who're coming?... Oh," Hanako gasped. "Were you speaking?"
851. Re: リハウス Chain Story - Untitled - Happy Story or Sad story?
お名前: 海
投稿日: 2005/11/2(15:43)
みんなでファイト !(^^)!
Once upon a time, there were a young man and a young woman.
Their names were Taro and Hanako.
They live in New York.
Perhaps you know the New York.
It is big and busy city now. Many people live in there.
And there are many tall buildings, even the city is actually a island though.
New York is attractive and dangerous like Hanako.
New York is exciting and lonely like Taro.
Then each of them decided "I'll have a pet. What kind of?"
Hanako went to a cat home, and got a white beautiful cat there.
Taro decided to go to a dog home the next day.
But next morning, suddenly, Taro died.
Taro noticed he was floating in air. He saw his body below him.
He tried to get in the body, but he couldn't.
But he never want to go either Heaven or Hell.
Then he tried to get in the body of cat that Hanako bought. And he did.
Taro-cat was very tired. He fell asleep.
Next morning he woke up. He was surprised! A beautiful woman gazed at him.
His heart beat strongly. He wanted to say something. Then he said MEOW...
'W-What? What's happen...!?' His heart beat more strongly.
But Taro-cat got his temper under control and asked the beautiful woman politely.
"Excuse me, but could you tell me where am I?" (MEOW, MEOWOOO...)
Hanako was an Attractive Beautiful Cool Dangerous and Evil woman. (You know? A-B-C-D-E)
She stared at his snowy coat and said "How noisy you are! But you are so cute."
She thought "Anyway I have no friends. It'll become a good listener at least."
Their lovely life had started.
She fed him delicious foods. She played with him often. She hugged him always.
He thought, “Lovely women. Good food. No work. This is a good life. It'll be perfect if I could speak human language”.
One day when Taro-cat was taking a nap, a loud voice came from nowhere.
“I know that you aren’t a cat!”
“Who is it!?”
"I am God of Language. I know you wish for a speaking ability.
You were poor and died suddenly because of a bad author. I wil give you this."
It was something like a helmet of Taro-cat's size. He put it on.
He tried to say something. Then he said "Hello." And sound came out "He-nyaw".
It was little bit strange. But it was human language. He shouted, "Oh Meow-y God!".
He thought, "Wait! This sounds like the local tongue of some part of Japan!".
Any way he could speak now.
Suddenly.....Bang, Bang.
"Knock, Knock"
"Who's there?"
"Body who?"
"Boy came from a graveyard in Nagoya."
'To open, or not to open, that is the question...'
Taro-cat really looked like Ham-Taro...No, Hamlet...
His whiskers shock with fear. But he decided, "C, comew in."
A familiar face appeared. Taro-cat gasped. Taro-body smiled happily.
At that moment Hanako came home. She found Taro-cat's confusion.
She was an A-B-C-D-E and strong woman. She beat and kicked Taro-body.
Taro-body run away and went to Egyptian Art in Metropolitan museum.
Taro-body looked a picutre of a cat in the museum.
Suddenly the cat spoke to Taro-body.
"I lost my body. Your soul stole my body."
"I was eagerly waiting for you come here." Cat-soul said.
"I couldn't kicked out Taro-soul from my body at that time. Because of I had no my foot...
I must go and get my body back to me!"
“Then we have only few days”, Taro-body said.
“A Separated body and soul must return their original shape in seven days.
If you couldn’t it, you never get in the original body. You’ll be a homeless soul.”
Cat-soul slid into Taro-body and they dashed out for the Hanako's apartment.
"They meow coming!" Taro-cat wiggled his ears.
"Who're coming?... Oh," Hanako gasped. "Were you speaking?"
"It's MEow." Taro-cat started. At that moment Cat-soul-in-Taro-body burst into the room.
Everything was mess. You'll never guess what but A-B-C-D-E-S Hanako just panicked and froze.
Everyone except Hanako was upset. The first Cat-soul made a mistake. It hop into Hanako-body.
Then Hanako-soul dove into Whitecat-body. But Taro-soul stayed Whitecat-body. Because....
862. Re: リハウス Chain Story - Untitled - Happy Story or Sad story?
お名前: バナナ
投稿日: 2005/11/3(17:54)
I added a story.
Once upon a time, there were a young man and a young woman.
Their names were Taro and Hanako.
They live in New York.
Perhaps you know the New York.
It is big and busy city now. Many people live in there.
And there are many tall buildings, even the city is actually a island though.
New York is attractive and dangerous like Hanako.
New York is exciting and lonely like Taro.
Then each of them decided "I'll have a pet. What kind of?"
Hanako went to a cat home, and got a white beautiful cat there.
Taro decided to go to a dog home the next day.
But next morning, suddenly, Taro died.
Taro noticed he was floating in air. He saw his body below him.
He tried to get in the body, but he couldn't.
But he never want to go either Heaven or Hell.
Then he tried to get in the body of cat that Hanako bought. And he did.
Taro-cat was very tired. He fell asleep.
Next morning he woke up. He was surprised! A beautiful woman gazed at him.
His heart beat strongly. He wanted to say something. Then he said MEOW...
'W-What? What's happen...!?' His heart beat more strongly.
But Taro-cat got his temper under control and asked the beautiful woman politely.
"Excuse me, but could you tell me where am I?" (MEOW, MEOWOOO...)
Hanako was an Attractive Beautiful Cool Dangerous and Evil woman. (You know? A-B-C-D-E)
She stared at his snowy coat and said "How noisy you are! But you are so cute."
She thought "Anyway I have no friends. It'll become a good listener at least."
Their lovely life had started.
She fed him delicious foods. She played with him often. She hugged him always.
He thought, “Lovely women. Good food. No work. This is a good life. It'll be perfect if I could speak human language”.
One day when Taro-cat was taking a nap, a loud voice came from nowhere.
“I know that you aren’t a cat!”
“Who is it!?”
"I am God of Language. I know you wish for a speaking ability.
You were poor and died suddenly because of a bad author. I wil give you this."
It was something like a helmet of Taro-cat's size. He put it on.
He tried to say something. Then he said "Hello." And sound came out "He-nyaw".
It was little bit strange. But it was human language. He shouted, "Oh Meow-y God!".
He thought, "Wait! This sounds like the local tongue of some part of Japan!".
Any way he could speak now.
Suddenly.....Bang, Bang.
"Knock, Knock"
"Who's there?"
"Body who?"
"Boy came from a graveyard in Nagoya."
'To open, or not to open, that is the question...'
Taro-cat really looked like Ham-Taro...No, Hamlet...
His whiskers shock with fear. But he decided, "C, comew in."
A familiar face appeared. Taro-cat gasped. Taro-body smiled happily.
At that moment Hanako came home. She found Taro-cat's confusion.
She was an A-B-C-D-E and strong woman. She beat and kicked Taro-body.
Taro-body run away and went to Egyptian Art in Metropolitan museum.
Taro-body looked a picutre of a cat in the museum.
Suddenly the cat spoke to Taro-body.
"I lost my body. Your soul stole my body."
"I was eagerly waiting for you come here." Cat-soul said.
"I couldn't kicked out Taro-soul from my body at that time. Because of I had no my foot...
I must go and get my body back to me!"
“Then we have only few days”, Taro-body said.
“A Separated body and soul must return their original shape in seven days.
If you couldn’t it, you never get in the original body. You’ll be a homeless soul.”
Cat-soul slid into Taro-body and they dashed out for the Hanako's apartment.
"They meow coming!" Taro-cat wiggled his ears.
"Who're coming?... Oh," Hanako gasped. "Were you speaking?"
"It's MEow." Taro-cat started. At that moment Cat-soul-in-Taro-body burst into the room.
Everything was mess. You'll never guess what but A-B-C-D-E-S Hanako just panicked and froze.
Everyone except Hanako was upset. The first Cat-soul made a mistake. It hop into Hanako-body.
Then Hanako-soul dove into Whitecat-body. But Taro-soul stayed Whitecat-body. Because...
Because Taro-soul loved Hanako.
So he didn't move out.
But one cat-body didn't have space for two.
So half of Taro-soul was out from cat-body.
864. Re: リハウス Chain Story - Untitled - Happy Story or Sad story?
お名前: モーリン
投稿日: 2005/11/5(01:41)
Hi everyone. This is Moring.
It is my turn, isn't it?
Once upon a time, there were a young man and a young woman.
Their names were Taro and Hanako.
They live in New York.
Perhaps you know the New York.
It is big and busy city now. Many people live in there.
And there are many tall buildings, even the city is actually a island though.
New York is attractive and dangerous like Hanako.
New York is exciting and lonely like Taro.
Then each of them decided "I'll have a pet. What kind of?"
Hanako went to a cat home, and got a white beautiful cat there.
Taro decided to go to a dog home the next day.
But next morning, suddenly, Taro died.
Taro noticed he was floating in air. He saw his body below him.
He tried to get in the body, but he couldn't.
But he never want to go either Heaven or Hell.
Then he tried to get in the body of cat that Hanako bought. And he did.
Taro-cat was very tired. He fell asleep.
Next morning he woke up. He was surprised! A beautiful woman gazed at him.
His heart beat strongly. He wanted to say something. Then he said MEOW...
'W-What? What's happen...!?' His heart beat more strongly.
But Taro-cat got his temper under control and asked the beautiful woman politely.
"Excuse me, but could you tell me where am I?" (MEOW, MEOWOOO...)
Hanako was an Attractive Beautiful Cool Dangerous and Evil woman. (You know? A-B-C-D-E)
She stared at his snowy coat and said "How noisy you are! But you are so cute."
She thought "Anyway I have no friends. It'll become a good listener at least."
Their lovely life had started.
She fed him delicious foods. She played with him often. She hugged him always.
He thought, “Lovely women. Good food. No work. This is a good life. It'll be perfect if I could speak human language”.
One day when Taro-cat was taking a nap, a loud voice came from nowhere.
“I know that you aren’t a cat!”
“Who is it!?”
"I am God of Language. I know you wish for a speaking ability.
You were poor and died suddenly because of a bad author. I wil give you this."
It was something like a helmet of Taro-cat's size. He put it on.
He tried to say something. Then he said "Hello." And sound came out "He-nyaw".
It was little bit strange. But it was human language. He shouted, "Oh Meow-y God!".
He thought, "Wait! This sounds like the local tongue of some part of Japan!".
Any way he could speak now.
Suddenly.....Bang, Bang.
"Knock, Knock"
"Who's there?"
"Body who?"
"Boy came from a graveyard in Nagoya."
'To open, or not to open, that is the question...'
Taro-cat really looked like Ham-Taro...No, Hamlet...
His whiskers shock with fear. But he decided, "C, comew in."
A familiar face appeared. Taro-cat gasped. Taro-body smiled happily.
At that moment Hanako came home. She found Taro-cat's confusion.
She was an A-B-C-D-E and strong woman. She beat and kicked Taro-body.
Taro-body run away and went to Egyptian Art in Metropolitan museum.
Taro-body looked a picutre of a cat in the museum.
Suddenly the cat spoke to Taro-body.
"I lost my body. Your soul stole my body."
"I was eagerly waiting for you come here." Cat-soul said.
"I couldn't kicked out Taro-soul from my body at that time. Because of I had no my foot...
I must go and get my body back to me!"
“Then we have only few days”, Taro-body said.
“A Separated body and soul must return their original shape in seven days.
If you couldn’t it, you never get in the original body. You’ll be a homeless soul.”
Cat-soul slid into Taro-body and they dashed out for the Hanako's apartment.
"They meow coming!" Taro-cat wiggled his ears.
"Who're coming?... Oh," Hanako gasped. "Were you speaking?"
"It's MEow." Taro-cat started. At that moment Cat-soul-in-Taro-body burst into the room.
Everything was mess. You'll never guess what but A-B-C-D-E-S Hanako just panicked and froze.
Everyone except Hanako was upset. The first Cat-soul made a mistake. It hop into Hanako-body.
Then Hanako-soul dove into Whitecat-body. But Taro-soul stayed Whitecat-body. Because...
Because Taro-soul loved Hanako.
So he didn't move out.
But one cat-body didn't have space for two.
So half of Taro-soul was out from cat-body.
You know a soul is full of love.
At this moment the loveliest half of Taro-soul remained in the cat-body with Hanako-soul.
And the other half of Taro-soul had gotten in Taro-body easily.
865. Re: リハウス Chain Story - Untitled - Happy Story or Sad story?
お名前: はまこ
投稿日: 2005/11/7(12:28)
Hi, there. This is Hamako.
Can I try next one?
Once upon a time, there were a young man and a young woman.
Their names were Taro and Hanako.
They live in New York.
Perhaps you know the New York.
It is big and busy city now. Many people live in there.
And there are many tall buildings, even the city is actually a island though.
New York is attractive and dangerous like Hanako.
New York is exciting and lonely like Taro.
Then each of them decided "I'll have a pet. What kind of?"
Hanako went to a cat home, and got a white beautiful cat there.
Taro decided to go to a dog home the next day.
But next morning, suddenly, Taro died.
Taro noticed he was floating in air. He saw his body below him.
He tried to get in the body, but he couldn't.
But he never want to go either Heaven or Hell.
Then he tried to get in the body of cat that Hanako bought. And he did.
Taro-cat was very tired. He fell asleep.
Next morning he woke up. He was surprised! A beautiful woman gazed at him.
His heart beat strongly. He wanted to say something. Then he said MEOW...
'W-What? What's happen...!?' His heart beat more strongly.
But Taro-cat got his temper under control and asked the beautiful woman politely.
"Excuse me, but could you tell me where am I?" (MEOW, MEOWOOO...)
Hanako was an Attractive Beautiful Cool Dangerous and Evil woman. (You know? A-B-C-D-E)
She stared at his snowy coat and said "How noisy you are! But you are so cute."
She thought "Anyway I have no friends. It'll become a good listener at least."
Their lovely life had started.
She fed him delicious foods. She played with him often. She hugged him always.
He thought, “Lovely women. Good food. No work. This is a good life. It'll be perfect if I could speak human language”.
One day when Taro-cat was taking a nap, a loud voice came from nowhere.
“I know that you aren’t a cat!”
“Who is it!?”
"I am God of Language. I know you wish for a speaking ability.
You were poor and died suddenly because of a bad author. I wil give you this."
It was something like a helmet of Taro-cat's size. He put it on.
He tried to say something. Then he said "Hello." And sound came out "He-nyaw".
It was little bit strange. But it was human language. He shouted, "Oh Meow-y God!".
He thought, "Wait! This sounds like the local tongue of some part of Japan!".
Any way he could speak now.
Suddenly.....Bang, Bang.
"Knock, Knock"
"Who's there?"
"Body who?"
"Boy came from a graveyard in Nagoya."
'To open, or not to open, that is the question...'
Taro-cat really looked like Ham-Taro...No, Hamlet...
His whiskers shock with fear. But he decided, "C, comew in."
A familiar face appeared. Taro-cat gasped. Taro-body smiled happily.
At that moment Hanako came home. She found Taro-cat's confusion.
She was an A-B-C-D-E and strong woman. She beat and kicked Taro-body.
Taro-body run away and went to Egyptian Art in Metropolitan museum.
Taro-body looked a picutre of a cat in the museum.
Suddenly the cat spoke to Taro-body.
"I lost my body. Your soul stole my body."
"I was eagerly waiting for you come here." Cat-soul said.
"I couldn't kicked out Taro-soul from my body at that time. Because of I had no my foot...
I must go and get my body back to me!"
“Then we have only few days”, Taro-body said.
“A Separated body and soul must return their original shape in seven days.
If you couldn’t it, you never get in the original body. You’ll be a homeless soul.”
Cat-soul slid into Taro-body and they dashed out for the Hanako's apartment.
"They meow coming!" Taro-cat wiggled his ears.
"Who're coming?... Oh," Hanako gasped. "Were you speaking?"
"It's MEow." Taro-cat started. At that moment Cat-soul-in-Taro-body burst into the room.
Everything was mess. You'll never guess what but A-B-C-D-E-S Hanako just panicked and froze.
Everyone except Hanako was upset. The first Cat-soul made a mistake. It hop into Hanako-body.
Then Hanako-soul dove into Whitecat-body. But Taro-soul stayed Whitecat-body. Because...
Because Taro-soul loved Hanako.
So he didn't move out.
But one cat-body didn't have space for two.
So half of Taro-soul was out from cat-body.
You know a soul is full of love.
At this moment the loveliest half of Taro-soul remained in the cat-body with Hanako-soul.
And the other half of Taro-soul had gotten in Taro-body easily.
Hanako got the message and understood all Taro's situations.
“I’m thrilled. But which feel is fit to me, thrill with joy or terror?
Is it possible for you to die if you, half of your-soul, back in your body?”
She is an A-B-C-D-E-S woman, even though trembled with anxious.
866. Re: リハウス Chain Story - Untitled - Happy Story or Sad story?
お名前: モーリン
投稿日: 2005/11/17(03:20)
Hi this is Moring.
We must start again.
Tadokisst-Taikai is around the corner.
Once upon a time, there were a young man and a young woman.
Their names were Taro and Hanako.
They live in New York.
Perhaps you know the New York.
It is big and busy city now. Many people live in there.
And there are many tall buildings, even the city is actually a island though.
New York is attractive and dangerous like Hanako.
New York is exciting and lonely like Taro.
Then each of them decided "I'll have a pet. What kind of?"
Hanako went to a cat home, and got a white beautiful cat there.
Taro decided to go to a dog home the next day.
But next morning, suddenly, Taro died.
Taro noticed he was floating in air. He saw his body below him.
He tried to get in the body, but he couldn't.
But he never want to go either Heaven or Hell.
Then he tried to get in the body of cat that Hanako bought. And he did.
Taro-cat was very tired. He fell asleep.
Next morning he woke up. He was surprised! A beautiful woman gazed at him.
His heart beat strongly. He wanted to say something. Then he said MEOW...
'W-What? What's happen...!?' His heart beat more strongly.
But Taro-cat got his temper under control and asked the beautiful woman politely.
"Excuse me, but could you tell me where am I?" (MEOW, MEOWOOO...)
Hanako was an Attractive Beautiful Cool Dangerous and Evil woman. (You know? A-B-C-D-E)
She stared at his snowy coat and said "How noisy you are! But you are so cute."
She thought "Anyway I have no friends. It'll become a good listener at least."
Their lovely life had started.
She fed him delicious foods. She played with him often. She hugged him always.
He thought, “Lovely women. Good food. No work. This is a good life. It'll be perfect if I could speak human language”.
One day when Taro-cat was taking a nap, a loud voice came from nowhere.
“I know that you aren’t a cat!”
“Who is it!?”
"I am God of Language. I know you wish for a speaking ability.
You were poor and died suddenly because of a bad author. I wil give you this."
It was something like a helmet of Taro-cat's size. He put it on.
He tried to say something. Then he said "Hello." And sound came out "He-nyaw".
It was little bit strange. But it was human language. He shouted, "Oh Meow-y God!".
He thought, "Wait! This sounds like the local tongue of some part of Japan!".
Any way he could speak now.
Suddenly.....Bang, Bang.
"Knock, Knock"
"Who's there?"
"Body who?"
"Boy came from a graveyard in Nagoya."
'To open, or not to open, that is the question...'
Taro-cat really looked like Ham-Taro...No, Hamlet...
His whiskers shock with fear. But he decided, "C, comew in."
A familiar face appeared. Taro-cat gasped. Taro-body smiled happily.
At that moment Hanako came home. She found Taro-cat's confusion.
She was an A-B-C-D-E and strong woman. She beat and kicked Taro-body.
Taro-body run away and went to Egyptian Art in Metropolitan museum.
Taro-body looked a picutre of a cat in the museum.
Suddenly the cat spoke to Taro-body.
"I lost my body. Your soul stole my body."
"I was eagerly waiting for you come here." Cat-soul said.
"I couldn't kicked out Taro-soul from my body at that time. Because of I had no my foot...
I must go and get my body back to me!"
“Then we have only few days”, Taro-body said.
“A Separated body and soul must return their original shape in seven days.
If you couldn’t it, you never get in the original body. You’ll be a homeless soul.”
Cat-soul slid into Taro-body and they dashed out for the Hanako's apartment.
"They meow coming!" Taro-cat wiggled his ears.
"Who're coming?... Oh," Hanako gasped. "Were you speaking?"
"It's MEow." Taro-cat started. At that moment Cat-soul-in-Taro-body burst into the room.
Everything was mess. You'll never guess what but A-B-C-D-E-S Hanako just panicked and froze.
Everyone except Hanako was upset. The first Cat-soul made a mistake. It hop into Hanako-body.
Then Hanako-soul dove into Whitecat-body. But Taro-soul stayed Whitecat-body. Because...
Because Taro-soul loved Hanako.
So he didn't move out.
But one cat-body didn't have space for two.
So half of Taro-soul was out from cat-body.
You know a soul is full of love.
At this moment the loveliest half of Taro-soul remained in the cat-body with Hanako-soul.
And the other half of Taro-soul had gotten in Taro-body easily.
Hanako got the message and understood all Taro's situations.
“I’m thrilled. But which feel is fit to me, thrill with joy or terror?
Is it possible for you to die if you, half of your-soul, back in your body?”
She is an A-B-C-D-E-S woman, even though trembled with anxious.
"No", Taro answered. "I should return into my body in a minute."
"Even though I have good and lovely feeling with you in this cat's body", he sighed.
But Hanako threw her words sharply, "Then you'd better to go back your body."
Let's continue!
867. Re: リハウス Chain Story - Untitled - Happy Story or Sad story?
お名前: はまこ
投稿日: 2005/11/25(12:42)
Hi, This is Hamako.
Is there any author? None?
Ok, how's this?
Once upon a time, there were a young man and a young woman.
Their names were Taro and Hanako.
They live in New York.
Perhaps you know the New York.
It is big and busy city now. Many people live in there.
And there are many tall buildings, even the city is actually a island though.
New York is attractive and dangerous like Hanako.
New York is exciting and lonely like Taro.
Then each of them decided "I'll have a pet. What kind of?"
Hanako went to a cat home, and got a white beautiful cat there.
Taro decided to go to a dog home the next day.
But next morning, suddenly, Taro died.
Taro noticed he was floating in air. He saw his body below him.
He tried to get in the body, but he couldn't.
But he never want to go either Heaven or Hell.
Then he tried to get in the body of cat that Hanako bought. And he did.
Taro-cat was very tired. He fell asleep.
Next morning he woke up. He was surprised! A beautiful woman gazed at him.
His heart beat strongly. He wanted to say something. Then he said MEOW...
'W-What? What's happen...!?' His heart beat more strongly.
But Taro-cat got his temper under control and asked the beautiful woman politely.
"Excuse me, but could you tell me where am I?" (MEOW, MEOWOOO...)
Hanako was an Attractive Beautiful Cool Dangerous and Evil woman. (You know? A-B-C-D-E)
She stared at his snowy coat and said "How noisy you are! But you are so cute."
She thought "Anyway I have no friends. It'll become a good listener at least."
Their lovely life had started.
She fed him delicious foods. She played with him often. She hugged him always.
He thought, “Lovely women. Good food. No work. This is a good life. It'll be perfect if I could speak human language”.
One day when Taro-cat was taking a nap, a loud voice came from nowhere.
“I know that you aren’t a cat!”
“Who is it!?”
"I am God of Language. I know you wish for a speaking ability.
You were poor and died suddenly because of a bad author. I wil give you this."
It was something like a helmet of Taro-cat's size. He put it on.
He tried to say something. Then he said "Hello." And sound came out "He-nyaw".
It was little bit strange. But it was human language. He shouted, "Oh Meow-y God!".
He thought, "Wait! This sounds like the local tongue of some part of Japan!".
Any way he could speak now.
Suddenly.....Bang, Bang.
"Knock, Knock"
"Who's there?"
"Body who?"
"Boy came from a graveyard in Nagoya."
'To open, or not to open, that is the question...'
Taro-cat really looked like Ham-Taro...No, Hamlet...
His whiskers shock with fear. But he decided, "C, comew in."
A familiar face appeared. Taro-cat gasped. Taro-body smiled happily.
At that moment Hanako came home. She found Taro-cat's confusion.
She was an A-B-C-D-E and strong woman. She beat and kicked Taro-body.
Taro-body run away and went to Egyptian Art in Metropolitan museum.
Taro-body looked a picutre of a cat in the museum.
Suddenly the cat spoke to Taro-body.
"I lost my body. Your soul stole my body."
"I was eagerly waiting for you come here." Cat-soul said.
"I couldn't kicked out Taro-soul from my body at that time. Because of I had no my foot...
I must go and get my body back to me!"
“Then we have only few days”, Taro-body said.
“A Separated body and soul must return their original shape in seven days.
If you couldn’t it, you never get in the original body. You’ll be a homeless soul.”
Cat-soul slid into Taro-body and they dashed out for the Hanako's apartment.
"They meow coming!" Taro-cat wiggled his ears.
"Who're coming?... Oh," Hanako gasped. "Were you speaking?"
"It's MEow." Taro-cat started. At that moment Cat-soul-in-Taro-body burst into the room.
Everything was mess. You'll never guess what but A-B-C-D-E-S Hanako just panicked and froze.
Everyone except Hanako was upset. The first Cat-soul made a mistake. It hop into Hanako-body.
Then Hanako-soul dove into Whitecat-body. But Taro-soul stayed Whitecat-body. Because...
Because Taro-soul loved Hanako.
So he didn't move out.
But one cat-body didn't have space for two.
So half of Taro-soul was out from cat-body.
You know a soul is full of love.
At this moment the loveliest half of Taro-soul remained in the cat-body with Hanako-soul.
And the other half of Taro-soul had gotten in Taro-body easily.
Hanako got the message and understood all Taro's situations.
“I’m thrilled. But which feel is fit to me, thrill with joy or terror?
Is it possible for you to die if you, half of your-soul, back in your body?”
She is an A-B-C-D-E-S woman, even though trembled with anxious.
"No", Taro answered. "I should return into my body in a minute."
"Even though I have good and lovely feeling with you in this cat's body", he sighed.
But Hanako threw her words sharply, "Then you'd better to go back your body."
“I’ll take a chance on my desire. I’ve found you. I’d really like to see you again, as a Man,”
half of Taro-soul kissed Hanako-soul.
“Well, you must alive for me. I'll never forgive you if you die...
I’ve never thought that I fall in love with someone like this way.” Hanako-soul whispered.
Suddenly there was a flash of lightning when half of Taro-soul went back into Taro-body.
Hey, Izuko. Where are you? Fufufu.
876. Re: リハウス Chain Story - Untitled - Happy Story or Sad story?
お名前: モーリン
投稿日: 2005/12/8(02:17)
Hi. This is Moring.
Long time no see.
Let's finish this story.
Once upon a time, there were a young man and a young woman.
Their names were Taro and Hanako.
They live in New York.
Perhaps you know the New York.
It is big and busy city now. Many people live in there.
And there are many tall buildings, even the city is actually a island though.
New York is attractive and dangerous like Hanako.
New York is exciting and lonely like Taro.
Then each of them decided "I'll have a pet. What kind of?"
Hanako went to a cat home, and got a white beautiful cat there.
Taro decided to go to a dog home the next day.
But next morning, suddenly, Taro died.
Taro noticed he was floating in air. He saw his body below him.
He tried to get in the body, but he couldn't.
But he never want to go either Heaven or Hell.
Then he tried to get in the body of cat that Hanako bought. And he did.
Taro-cat was very tired. He fell asleep.
Next morning he woke up. He was surprised! A beautiful woman gazed at him.
His heart beat strongly. He wanted to say something. Then he said MEOW...
'W-What? What's happen...!?' His heart beat more strongly.
But Taro-cat got his temper under control and asked the beautiful woman politely.
"Excuse me, but could you tell me where am I?" (MEOW, MEOWOOO...)
Hanako was an Attractive Beautiful Cool Dangerous and Evil woman. (You know? A-B-C-D-E)
She stared at his snowy coat and said "How noisy you are! But you are so cute."
She thought "Anyway I have no friends. It'll become a good listener at least."
Their lovely life had started.
She fed him delicious foods. She played with him often. She hugged him always.
He thought, “Lovely women. Good food. No work. This is a good life. It'll be perfect if I could speak human language”.
One day when Taro-cat was taking a nap, a loud voice came from nowhere.
“I know that you aren’t a cat!”
“Who is it!?”
"I am God of Language. I know you wish for a speaking ability.
You were poor and died suddenly because of a bad author. I wil give you this."
It was something like a helmet of Taro-cat's size. He put it on.
He tried to say something. Then he said "Hello." And sound came out "He-nyaw".
It was little bit strange. But it was human language. He shouted, "Oh Meow-y God!".
He thought, "Wait! This sounds like the local tongue of some part of Japan!".
Any way he could speak now.
Suddenly.....Bang, Bang.
"Knock, Knock"
"Who's there?"
"Body who?"
"Boy came from a graveyard in Nagoya."
'To open, or not to open, that is the question...'
Taro-cat really looked like Ham-Taro...No, Hamlet...
His whiskers shock with fear. But he decided, "C, comew in."
A familiar face appeared. Taro-cat gasped. Taro-body smiled happily.
At that moment Hanako came home. She found Taro-cat's confusion.
She was an A-B-C-D-E and strong woman. She beat and kicked Taro-body.
Taro-body run away and went to Egyptian Art in Metropolitan museum.
Taro-body looked a picutre of a cat in the museum.
Suddenly the cat spoke to Taro-body.
"I lost my body. Your soul stole my body."
"I was eagerly waiting for you come here." Cat-soul said.
"I couldn't kicked out Taro-soul from my body at that time. Because of I had no my foot...
I must go and get my body back to me!"
“Then we have only few days”, Taro-body said.
“A Separated body and soul must return their original shape in seven days.
If you couldn’t it, you never get in the original body. You’ll be a homeless soul.”
Cat-soul slid into Taro-body and they dashed out for the Hanako's apartment.
"They meow coming!" Taro-cat wiggled his ears.
"Who're coming?... Oh," Hanako gasped. "Were you speaking?"
"It's MEow." Taro-cat started. At that moment Cat-soul-in-Taro-body burst into the room.
Everything was mess. You'll never guess what but A-B-C-D-E-S Hanako just panicked and froze.
Everyone except Hanako was upset. The first Cat-soul made a mistake. It hop into Hanako-body.
Then Hanako-soul dove into Whitecat-body. But Taro-soul stayed Whitecat-body. Because...
Because Taro-soul loved Hanako.
So he didn't move out.
But one cat-body didn't have space for two.
So half of Taro-soul was out from cat-body.
You know a soul is full of love.
At this moment the loveliest half of Taro-soul remained in the cat-body with Hanako-soul.
And the other half of Taro-soul had gotten in Taro-body easily.
Hanako got the message and understood all Taro's situations.
“I’m thrilled. But which feel is fit to me, thrill with joy or terror?
Is it possible for you to die if you, half of your-soul, back in your body?”
She is an A-B-C-D-E-S woman, even though trembled with anxious.
"No", Taro answered. "I should return into my body in a minute."
"Even though I have good and lovely feeling with you in this cat's body", he sighed.
But Hanako threw her words sharply, "Then you'd better to go back your body."
“I’ll take a chance on my desire. I’ve found you. I’d really like to see you again, as a Man,”
half of Taro-soul kissed Hanako-soul.
“Well, you must alive for me. I'll never forgive you if you die...
I’ve never thought that I fall in love with someone like this way.” Hanako-soul whispered.
Suddenly there was a flash of lightning when half of Taro-soul went back into Taro-body.
The white cat's soul saw Taro's soul got out her cat body.
Then she tried to get into her own body. But she couldn't.
There was still somebody's soul in it. She shouted, “get out from my body!”
But she didn't know it is her owner's soul in the body.
895. Re: リハウス Chain Story - Untitled - Happy Story or Sad story? - The End
お名前: モーリン
投稿日: 2006/2/3(00:27)
Hi. This is Moring.
Long time no see.
Let me finish this story.
Once upon a time, there were a young man and a young woman.
Their names were Taro and Hanako.
They live in New York.
Perhaps you know the New York.
It is big and busy city now. Many people live in there.
And there are many tall buildings, even the city is actually a island though.
New York is attractive and dangerous like Hanako.
New York is exciting and lonely like Taro.
Then each of them decided "I'll have a pet. What kind of?"
Hanako went to a cat home, and got a white beautiful cat there.
Taro decided to go to a dog home the next day.
But next morning, suddenly, Taro died.
Taro noticed he was floating in air. He saw his body below him.
He tried to get in the body, but he couldn't.
But he never want to go either Heaven or Hell.
Then he tried to get in the body of cat that Hanako bought. And he did.
Taro-cat was very tired. He fell asleep.
Next morning he woke up. He was surprised! A beautiful woman gazed at him.
His heart beat strongly. He wanted to say something. Then he said MEOW...
'W-What? What's happen...!?' His heart beat more strongly.
But Taro-cat got his temper under control and asked the beautiful woman politely.
"Excuse me, but could you tell me where am I?" (MEOW, MEOWOOO...)
Hanako was an Attractive Beautiful Cool Dangerous and Evil woman. (You know? A-B-C-D-E)
She stared at his snowy coat and said "How noisy you are! But you are so cute."
She thought "Anyway I have no friends. It'll become a good listener at least."
Their lovely life had started.
She fed him delicious foods. She played with him often. She hugged him always.
He thought, “Lovely women. Good food. No work. This is a good life. It'll be perfect if I could speak human language”.
One day when Taro-cat was taking a nap, a loud voice came from nowhere.
“I know that you aren’t a cat!”
“Who is it!?”
"I am God of Language. I know you wish for a speaking ability.
You were poor and died suddenly because of a bad author. I wil give you this."
It was something like a helmet of Taro-cat's size. He put it on.
He tried to say something. Then he said "Hello." And sound came out "He-nyaw".
It was little bit strange. But it was human language. He shouted, "Oh Meow-y God!".
He thought, "Wait! This sounds like the local tongue of some part of Japan!".
Any way he could speak now.
Suddenly.....Bang, Bang.
"Knock, Knock"
"Who's there?"
"Body who?"
"Boy came from a graveyard in Nagoya."
'To open, or not to open, that is the question...'
Taro-cat really looked like Ham-Taro...No, Hamlet...
His whiskers shock with fear. But he decided, "C, comew in."
A familiar face appeared. Taro-cat gasped. Taro-body smiled happily.
At that moment Hanako came home. She found Taro-cat's confusion.
She was an A-B-C-D-E and strong woman. She beat and kicked Taro-body.
Taro-body run away and went to Egyptian Art in Metropolitan museum.
Taro-body looked a picutre of a cat in the museum.
Suddenly the cat spoke to Taro-body.
"I lost my body. Your soul stole my body."
"I was eagerly waiting for you come here." Cat-soul said.
"I couldn't kicked out Taro-soul from my body at that time. Because of I had no my foot...
I must go and get my body back to me!"
“Then we have only few days”, Taro-body said.
“A Separated body and soul must return their original shape in seven days.
If you couldn’t it, you never get in the original body. You’ll be a homeless soul.”
Cat-soul slid into Taro-body and they dashed out for the Hanako's apartment.
"They meow coming!" Taro-cat wiggled his ears.
"Who're coming?... Oh," Hanako gasped. "Were you speaking?"
"It's MEow." Taro-cat started. At that moment Cat-soul-in-Taro-body burst into the room.
Everything was mess. You'll never guess what but A-B-C-D-E-S Hanako just panicked and froze.
Everyone except Hanako was upset. The first Cat-soul made a mistake. It hop into Hanako-body.
Then Hanako-soul dove into Whitecat-body. But Taro-soul stayed Whitecat-body. Because...
Because Taro-soul loved Hanako.
So he didn't move out.
But one cat-body didn't have space for two.
So half of Taro-soul was out from cat-body.
You know a soul is full of love.
At this moment the loveliest half of Taro-soul remained in the cat-body with Hanako-soul.
And the other half of Taro-soul had gotten in Taro-body easily.
Hanako got the message and understood all Taro's situations.
“I’m thrilled. But which feel is fit to me, thrill with joy or terror?
Is it possible for you to die if you, half of your-soul, back in your body?”
She is an A-B-C-D-E-S woman, even though trembled with anxious.
"No", Taro answered. "I should return into my body in a minute."
"Even though I have good and lovely feeling with you in this cat's body", he sighed.
But Hanako threw her words sharply, "Then you'd better to go back your body."
“I’ll take a chance on my desire. I’ve found you. I’d really like to see you again, as a Man,”
half of Taro-soul kissed Hanako-soul.
“Well, you must alive for me. I'll never forgive you if you die...
I’ve never thought that I fall in love with someone like this way.” Hanako-soul whispered.
Suddenly there was a flash of lightning when half of Taro-soul went back into Taro-body.
The white cat's soul saw Taro's soul got out her cat body.
Then she tried to get into her own body. But she couldn't.
There was still somebody's soul in it. She shouted, “get out from my body!”
But she didn't know it is her owner's soul in the body.
Three years later, Taro wakes up early morning, and shouts.
"Hanako, wake up!"
Yes. They are living together. But they haven't married.
Hanako replys, "I meow very sleepy."
"But we must leave now. we are getting late", Taro says.
"Then kiss me, and bring me to shower room", Hanako replys sweetly.
"OK. OK", says Taro with smile. "And trim my hair beautifully", whispers Hanako.
They love each other.
The only reason why they can't marry is Hanako's soul is still in the white cat's body.
She tried to getting out from cat's body after Taro had done so.
But she couldn't.
But Hanako is very happy because she is STAR now.
She is on TV, movies, and CMs. She is everywhere now.
And Taro is her manager. They earn many money.
They live a big room on the highest floor of a tall building in New York City.
And they live happyiy ever after.
Happy Writing & Reading!
896. You did a good job, Moring!
お名前: はまこ
投稿日: 2006/2/4(13:50)
Hi, Moring. This is Hamako.
You've finished the Chain Story.
Good job!
I'm happy to know that they lived happily ever after.
Now I'm curious about Hanako's body and Cat's soul.
What happened to them?
I'm so sorry I didn't keep on writing.
I wanted to continue to make the story but it seemed like getting just the two of us.
I thought that Moring, Hamako, Moring, Hamako doesn't fit in the project.
So I decided to see how it's going without us, at least without me.
Anyway I've really enjoyed to make the story with you and other authors.
I felt shame at my job because I'm quite a beginner.
Even though I had a lot of fun!
I'm looking forward to working with you again.
897. Re: You did a good job, Moring!
お名前: モーリン
投稿日: 2006/2/5(02:16)
Hi Hamako. This is Moring.
I appreciate you find my writing.
〉You've finished the Chain Story.
〉Good job!
〉I'm happy to know that they lived happily ever after.
Thank you very much.
〉Now I'm curious about Hanako's body and Cat's soul.
〉What happened to them?
Don't worry about that. Everything's OK.
They may have another happy stories.
〉I'm so sorry I didn't keep on writing.
I know you are doing another great job.
I saw that, and I decided to finish this chain story even I had broken the rule.
〉I thought that Moring, Hamako, Moring, Hamako doesn't fit in the project.
〉So I decided to see how it's going without us, at least without me.
〉Anyway I've really enjoyed to make the story with you and other authors.
Me either.
At first I had been waiting some other person come to write.
〉 I felt shame at my job because I'm quite a beginner.
No. I think your English sentences are very good.
〉Even though I had a lot of fun!
〉I'm looking forward to working with you again.
Yes. May be someday or soon.
Happy Writing & Reading!
898. Re: You did a good job, Moring!
お名前: はまこ
投稿日: 2006/2/6(14:36)
Hi, Moring.
〉I appreciate you find my writing.
〉〉Now I'm curious about Hanako's body and Cat's soul.
〉〉What happened to them?
〉Don't worry about that. Everything's OK.
〉They may have another happy stories.
Oh, I see.
That's a lovery idea.
〉〉I'm so sorry I didn't keep on writing.
〉I know you are doing another great job.
〉I saw that, and I decided to finish this chain story even I had broken the rule.
I think you are a fantastic storyteller.
I respect you.
〉At first I had been waiting some other person come to write.
Me, too.
Let's wait it until next chance.
〉〉 I felt shame at my job because I'm quite a beginner.
〉No. I think your English sentences are very good.
Wow. That sounds tickle me.
Thank you, Moring.
〉〉Even though I had a lot of fun!
〉〉I'm looking forward to working with you again.
〉Yes. May be someday or soon.
I'll be happy whenever the day come.
〉Happy Writing & Reading!
Happy Writing & Reading!
845. Re: Hi, there, today is the day !!
お名前: ako
投稿日: 2005/11/2(02:18)
Hello, everybody, this is ako.
I have been enjoying reading all of this chain story these days.
It is a good idea.
Izuko-san, thank you for beginning.
and you all are great !
Today, Nov. 2, is the day......I have to tell you all.
By 23:59 of today(tonight).
But I don't want you to stop making this chain story.....
(sob....sob...., cry---------)
At Tadokists-taikai, all the people will receive ? have ?
a small notebook ? pamphlet ?.
I would like to use this chain story for that.
With your Handle-names !!
All the people who will get this pamphlet
can see your Handle-names on it.
Is it OK with you all ?
Izuko, Hamako, Umi, Moring, Banana.
If you don't want, please tell me.
I will delete the Handle-name.
847. Must we finish this story by the end of "Today"?
お名前: はまこ
投稿日: 2005/11/2(11:33)
Hi, ako. This is Hamako.
I've just a word.
See you later, alligator♪
〉Hi, ako. This is Hamako.
Good evening(^^), Hamako.
〉I've just a word.
I just call to say, "Go ahead, Hamako !"
〉See you later, alligator♪
(^^)Go, go, Hamako, just be yourself !(^^)
849. Re: Hi, there, today is the day !!
お名前: モーリン
投稿日: 2005/11/2(13:20)
Hi Ako-san.
It is no problem if my handle name on the TADOKIST TIKAI handbook(?).
But I think we cannot end up this story in today.
You said it is OK. And I thank you about this.
856. Re:Please write more and more^^^^^
お名前: ako
投稿日: 2005/11/3(00:30)
〉Hi Ako-san.
Hello, Moring.
〉It is no problem if my handle name on the TADOKIST TIKAI handbook(?).
Oh, thank you !
And one more thing.
There is still another word to explain "it "!
Actually.... I don't know what I should call "it" in English.
But I am very happy that you understood what I mean,
what I want to tell you !
Thank you again !
〉But I think we cannot end up this story in today.
〉You said it is OK. And I thank you about this.
Yeeeeeeessss !! I think you should write more and more.
I surely enjoy reading this story.
I, as one of readers this story, have two interesting things.
1. What's next ? (About story)
2. Who is coming for the next? (Tadokists writers!(^^)
Moring? Umi? Hamako? Baba? Izuko? I wanna join !
Who can stop this chain story ?
God knows.......(^^)
852. Re: Hi, there, today is the day !!
お名前: いづこ
投稿日: 2005/11/2(16:23)
Hi, ako-san,
Thank you for working for Tadokist Taikai.
〉With your Handle-names !!
That's OK with me.
I hope as follows:
*Please use the postings until as of November 2,
and add,"Please look at the SSS Bulletin Board if you would like to know the story after these."
(I want this sentence ↑ to be corrected before being used,if possible...)
*We will continue〜♪
(Of course the newcomer is welcome.)
"I said I thougt we don't have to end the story.
I thought the story could stop on November 2 (today) without ending, whichi means しりきれトンボ).
But now I changed my mind.
the story should have the ending some day.
Oherwise we won't know how and when to stop.
Now, Moring-san, and everywone.
How about this?
If the flag of the last posting vanish,
(if the last posting doesn't hve the following piece of the story for 24 hours, )
the next person CAN make an end of the story.
(I mean "CAN", not "must")
He or she ,who wants to write the finishing part can write longer piece to finish it.
Umi-san, Hamako-san, Baba-san, and Moring-san,
Thank you for coming very much!
And dear readers,
Thank you for reading!
858. Re: Thank you, that's a good idea !
お名前: ako
投稿日: 2005/11/3(00:50)
〉Hi, ako-san,
Hello, Izuko the "Where am I" -san,
〉Thank you for working for Tadokist Taikai.
Wow, thank you!
I hope you enjoy this writing project of Tadokist Taikai.
because you maybe not come to Taikai.
〉〉With your Handle-names !!
〉That's OK with me.
Yeah! Thank you !
〉I hope as follows:
〉*Please use the postings until as of November 2,
〉and add,"Please look at the SSS Bulletin Board if you would like to know the story after these."
Oh!!! That is a good idea !
OK, I will do it.
〉(I want this sentence ↑ to be corrected before being used,if possible...)
Ryooooookai! Oh, this is Japanese,(^^)>.
What should I say ?
I-I-Sir ???
Oh, I remember a book of LLL !
A story about Pirates.
So,...... can I say "Ahoy"?
〉*We will continue〜♪
〉(Of course the newcomer is welcome.)
Yeah^^^^ I want to join later.
853. Re: Hi, there, today is the day !!
お名前: 海
投稿日: 2005/11/2(19:29)
Hi ako-chan. This is Umi.
Thank you for your hardwork. I'm looking forward to your report about the TADOKIST TAIKAI.
〉With your Handle-names !!
It's OK.
Would you do me a favor?
I'd like to add this↓ line after the Knock-Knock-joke, ako please.
P.S. Taro's funeral was held in his hometown. His family and friend mourned his passing.
Izuko-chan(my co-prisoner)
Everything↑ is OK. I appreciate your concern.
I think it was a wonderful event. I enjoyed this teamwork.
I was thrilled when I read I-B-H-M's posting.
Thank you I-B-H-M(Of course I mean Izuko-Baba-Hamako-Moring←alphabetical order except Izuko)
I had a good time with you. (*^_^*)
See you later♪
P.S. But then if I have spare time I'll come.
859. Re: Hooray Great Writers ! I-B-H-M-U
お名前: ako
投稿日: 2005/11/3(01:21)
〉Hi ako-chan. This is Umi.
Woooow, great, great !
You call me with "chan"!!
I love it, and I want to do the same way!
Can I ?
Nice to meet you, Umi-chan !
Maybe this is the first time for us to exchange conversation on this BBS.... isnt it ?
〉Thank you for your hardwork. I'm looking forward to your report about the TADOKIST TAIKAI.
But...I don't see your name on TAIKAI-BBS.
If you can't join the TADOKIST TAIKAI,
I will keep yours.
For all the writers of this chain story !
(I mean "it") ← pamphlet ? booklet ? etc...
Maybe Izuko's is the best word for "it". "Booklet".
〉〉With your Handle-names !!
〉It's OK.
I really thank you !
〉Would you do me a favor?
Yes ?
〉I'd like to add this↓ line after the Knock-Knock-joke, ako please.
〉P.S. Taro's funeral was held in his hometown. His family and friend mourned his passing.
OK, no problem!
〉I think it was a wonderful event. I enjoyed this teamwork.
Sorry for cutting, I do too!
Your teamwork is super !
〉I was thrilled when I read I-B-H-M's posting.
Me,too !
〉Thank you I-B-H-M(Of course I mean Izuko-Baba-Hamako-Moring←alphabetical order except Izuko)
(^^)And you, Umi-san !
863. Re: Hooray Great Writers ! I-B-H-M-U
お名前: 海
投稿日: 2005/11/4(18:45)
Hi, ako-chan. This is Umi.
Thank you for your subject↑.
〉Woooow, great, great !
〉You call me with "chan"!!
〉I love it, and I want to do the same way!
〉Can I ?
Of course. I think it's great, too!
〉Nice to meet you, Umi-chan !
〉Maybe this is the first time for us to exchange conversation on this BBS.... isnt it ?
Yes! I'm glad to meet you, ako-chan!
〉〉Thank you for your hardwork. I'm looking forward to your report about the TADOKIST TAIKAI.
〉But...I don't see your name on TAIKAI-BBS.
〉If you can't join the TADOKIST TAIKAI,
〉I will keep yours.
〉For all the writers of this chain story !
〉 (I mean "it") ← pamphlet ? booklet ? etc...
〉Maybe Izuko's is the best word for "it". "Booklet".
Thank you for your kindness and concern. I mean the report you'll write on TAIKAI-BBS, not "Booklet".
I'm looking forward to read it on the morning of 21th or 22th.
You must be very busy now. I won't bother you. Please forget to keep it.
〉〉I'd like to add this↓ line after the Knock-Knock-joke, ako please.
〉〉P.S. Taro's funeral was held in his hometown. His family and friend mourned his passing.
〉OK, no problem!
Really thank you!
I wish you and your team great success in the TADOKIST TAIKAI.
See you ♪
p.s. Please don't care about a reply. It's OK. I think you need lots of time for the TADOKIST TAIKAI.
860. It is "Culture Day" today♪
お名前: いづこ
投稿日: 2005/11/3(01:41)
Hi, writers and readers. Izuko is here again.
The deadline just for the Tadokist Taikai booklet is over,
and it turned to be "Bunka no Hi".
Our cultural activity seems to re-start〜♪
Umi-chan's work is the last one as of yesterday.
I was thinking to add the next one, but I did not.
There were two reasons for me...
First, I was not sure if I fully understood who is who, whose bodies and whose souls are related...(Sorry!)
Second, Umi-chan's last word "because..." was very good as the last word on the Tadokist Taikai booklet.
Some, or many people may come to the Buttetin Board to read the following story!
Now, I would like to talk about the story with other writers.
...in Japanese. (Sorry that I am konjonashi...)
If you have time, please come to 雑談の広場.
I'll write from now. So, you cannot find it yet(It's 0:45 now).
See you there♪
p.s. I once posted this posting in the wrong place.
I posted it here again and erase the original one.
I am sorry.