My student life is ・ ・ ・

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664. My student life is ・ ・ ・

お名前: ダグ
投稿日: 2005/2/10(11:43)


Hello! I am Dug. 
I left so long time this board. Because I was busy, I had to write report for graduate and get ready for presentation.
Today, I have presentation in front of professors. This is the last event of my student life. Now, it is finished.
I ask question to myself,” Is my student life long time or short?”
Maybe both. All I know is hard days are finished and ・・・.
My life changes from study and work style to work and work style.
So, it means・・・.
My new harder days will begin!!

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665. Re: Congratulations !

お名前: AMINO
投稿日: 2005/2/10(13:29)


Hi, Dug-san.
I'm very glad to hear that.
I thought you always quite busy to work, study and do Extensive Reading.

But from now, you can concentrate on your job.
and get more fun from reading.

Anyway, you are starting to new voyage now.
Good luck, and see you at somewhere soon.

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667. Re: Thanks !

お名前: ダグ
投稿日: 2005/2/17(14:30)


Hi! AMINO-san.
Thank you for writing message to me.
We talk about reading and books again when I meet you.



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