[掲示板: 〈Past log〉Chat with SSS friends in English -- 最新メッセージID: 1207 // 時刻: 2025/1/13(08:36)]
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349. how are you? plese listen to my worry.
お名前: のんた
投稿日: 2004/9/17(20:06)
Hello! my name is Nonta,one of TADOKISUTO.
I started TADOKU almost two years ago. I read 180mango.
I write here first time. I am poor at English.
Writing was difficult for me,so I didn't write in English for long years.
But my old student said me she want to write me in English. She want
to practice English.because of going abrord to study about dolphin.
oh,no! I am not good at writing!! Look at these sentence!
please advice me about how to write!
by the way,may I write these things on this bbs?
How do you write? 超初心者はどのような手段で始めればよろしいので
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352. Re: how are you? plese listen to my worry.
お名前: チクワ
投稿日: 2004/9/17(23:10)
〉Hello! my name is Nonta,one of TADOKISUTO.
Hello, Nonta-san. Chikuwa is here!
(You didn't call me? Oh, sorry... (Chikuwa walks away. ←ギャグのつもり〜)
〉 I started TADOKU almost two years ago. I read 180mango.
〉 I write here first time. I am poor at English.
〉Writing was difficult for me,so I didn't write in English for long years.
〉 But my old student said me she want to write me in English. She want
〉to practice English.because of going abrord to study about dolphin.
Oh,you have found an English wrting partner! Lucky you!
And she is going to study about dolphin. That sounds nice!
These days I collect and read books about sea.
I received "Time to Discover Series (Animals under the Sea) set
from SEG Bookshop". They are nice!
Reading the books, I got to like Manta Rays. They are friendly and harmless.
After your student-san goes abroad, you can continue to write each other by e-mail.
〉oh,no! I am not good at writing!! Look at these sentence!
〉please advice me about how to write!
〉by the way,may I write these things on this bbs?
I understood ALL your words.
I enjoy reading it. Thank you very much.
My advice is "Start now anyway!" and you have already started.
Happy Writing !
It's a nice message!
〉 How do you write? 超初心者はどのような手段で始めればよろしいので
Because I wanted to talk with Nonta-san in English〜♪
Please write again soon!
P.S. Thank you for your coming to LunchOFF last Saturday.
I had a great time talking with you and other Tokyo Tadokists!
Hello,Chikuwa-san!! I'm happy to see you here ,again.
I forgot thanks of your mini-chikuwa,
They were tasty and cute!
I want to see you again,with SAKE!!(^^;)
〉Hello, Nonta-san. Chikuwa is here!
〉(You didn't call me? Oh, sorry... (Chikuwa walks away. ←ギャグのつもり〜)
Yes,yes,I'm calling you in my heart!You could hear my wish.
〉Oh,you have found an English wrting partner! Lucky you!
Yes, but sometimes.she is very busy,and I return my full-time work,too.
〉And she is going to study about dolphin. That sounds nice!
She had been in Australia,but,lack of money,so,came back japan.
〉These days I collect and read books about sea.
〉I received "Time to Discover Series (Animals under the Sea) set
〉from SEG Bookshop". They are nice!
〉Reading the books, I got to like Manta Rays. They are friendly and harmless.
Oh,I want to read these books.I entry the SSS book-club,so,I'll borrow these books.I'll search them.
This summer,when I went to sea(NIHON-KAI),I saw a big big squid! Its head was big as a watermelon.I was very surprised.It swimming near the beach,
and almost dead,but it gush the ink! my kids were noisy, very astonished,and they wondered.
〉After your student-san goes abroad, you can continue to write each other by e-mail.
I hope we continue to write by e-mail.
〉I understood ALL your words.
〉I enjoy reading it. Thank you very much.
Thank you,inspire, rain and hail!(AME,ARARE?)
〉My advice is "Start now anyway!" and you have already started.
Thank you for your words! I start now!
〉Happy Writing !
そっか、Hi でいいんだぁ。こういうところでも文化の違いに気づかされ
〉〉 How do you write? 超初心者はどのような手段で始めればよろしいので
〉Because I wanted to talk with Nonta-san in English〜♪
〉Please write again soon!
I'll be back!! and write!
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353. Good evening. のんたさん。akoさん、兄者屁をプ。
お名前: derfel
投稿日: 2004/9/17(23:35)
〉Hello! my name is Nonta,one of TADOKISUTO.
〉 I started TADOKU almost two years ago. I read 180mango.
Looks like going along well.
〉 I write here first time. I am poor at English.
Congratulations on this board debut. I, derfel, first joined this board 4 days ago.
〉Writing was difficult for me,so I didn't write in English for long years.
Don't worry. Most Japanese people feel so even though he/she is relatively familiar to English.
〉 But my old student said me she want to write me in English. She want
〉to practice English.because of going abrord to study about dolphin.
It's so nice to have such a plan of her but you seem to have a little burden.
〉oh,no! I am not good at writing!! Look at these sentence!
〉please advice me about how to write!
〉by the way,may I write these things on this bbs?
良ろしいんじゃ無いですか? でも、流石に全部日本語で書く場合は、「ときどき...」とか「タドキスト」の方へ出された方が良ろしいかとは思いますけどね。
上記の、「失礼します」とか「おじゃまします」とかは、シンプルに Good morning/afternoon/evening で良いと思います。
〉 How do you write? 超初心者はどのような手段で始めればよろしいので
あとは、本屋に行って、英語で表現するのに役立ちそうな本を購入して手元に置いておく。例えば、手持ちですと、「訳せそうで訳せない日本語」(小松達也、The Japan Times)と言った感じのタイトルになります(別にこれをお勧めしている訳ではありません。あくまで、こんなタイトルという参考です)。
じゃ、Star Warsの蓄積が豊富なako先生もお呼び出したいと思います。akoは〜ん、(この部分読んでたら)あんさんも何か書いてあげなはれ。あんじょう、よろしゅうな。
♪Zm Zm Zm Zm Zm Zm Zm Zm
♪What is it? Earthquake?
♪No, Flash ako is approaching
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お名前: ako
投稿日: 2004/9/18(02:02)
〉 akoさんとの掛け合い漫才を書いているderfelです。(^^;
Is that MANZAI ?
I always learn, learn, learn, learn, with all my limited English....
I didnt know it is MANZAI...........(--;;;;;
〉 akoさんとのやりとりでも、替え歌を引いて、filkとかfilksongって知りましたから。
OOps !
I thought Master made a mistake....... with folksong ?????
Master also falls down from trees ! :-)
Wait....... folksong ? ......sounds strange.... (^^;;;;
そ、そうだったのか… fool enough to show my own misunderstanding...
〉〉 akoさんとの掛け合い漫才を書いているderfelです。(^^;
その derfel again.
〉Is that MANZAI ?
〉I always learn, learn, learn, learn, with all my limited English....
〉I didnt know it is MANZAI...........(--;;;;;
〉〉 akoさんとのやりとりでも、替え歌を引いて、filkとかfilksongって知りましたから。
〉OOps !
〉I thought Master made a mistake....... with folksong ?????
〉Master also falls down from trees ! :-)
〉Wait....... folksong ? ......sounds strange.... (^^;;;;
〉そ、そうだったのか… fool enough to show my own misunderstanding...
You should refer dictionary when you come across a unknown word/phrase. This is not GR. Let you free form the SSS reading rule. If not, you can not pull out your real English power forever.
Checking English word is a tough and long way, but you need "Patience" as 依田 said in 第五場。Then you wiil be able to pull out a fighter from a bog in future.
# Sorry. I became MAJI mode.
akoさん、Thank you for your co-operation with a story of "filk/folk song" to relax のんたさん。
のんたさん、こんな感じで良いんですよ。もし話しが見えない所があったとすれば、それは、Star Warsからのネタですので、Don't worry. (Everything will turn alright.)です。
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お名前: のんた
投稿日: 2004/9/20(13:05)
thank you,inspire,rain and hail!!(AME,ARARE?)
〉 akoさんとの掛け合い漫才を書いているderfelです。(^^;
Oh,which one is TUKKOMI?
〉〉 I started TADOKU almost two years ago. I read 180mango.
〉 Looks like going along well.
Thank you,but I didn't have much time.because I'll be back to my job,next week. And My husband is very very busy,so,no cooperation.
So I must keep house things,taking care of my kids.
〉 Congratulations on this board debut. I, derfel, first joined this board 4 days ago.
Oh,thank you.but your english is great!!
〉〉Writing was difficult for me,so I didn't write in English for long years.
〉 Don't worry. Most Japanese people feel so even though he/she is relatively familiar to English.
thank you for your words.They made me relax.
〉〉 But my old student said me she want to write me in English. She want
〉〉to practice English.because of going abrord to study about dolphin.
〉 It's so nice to have such a plan of her but you seem to have a little burden.
Yes yes ,that's light.I have a burden.
〉 derfelも、文の始めの方で"快調ですね"と書きたくて、英辞郎を引いてますよ。akoさんとのやりとりでも、替え歌を引いて、filkとかfilksongって知りましたから。辞書を引くことは恥でも何んでもありません、ご心配なく。
〉 そういう時は、日本語そのままじゃなくて、言わんとすることを字面に捕われずに機能面で考えれば見えて来る時があります。
〉 上記の、「失礼します」とか「おじゃまします」とかは、シンプルに Good morning/afternoon/evening で良いと思います。
〉 知っている単語で言い換えられるなら、そちらを使う方がベターですよ。英語圏の子供用の辞書(電子辞書を含む)が、とても参考になります。
〉〉 How do you write? 超初心者はどのような手段で始めればよろしいので
〉 うーん、難しい質問ですねぇ。まず、今後もこの掲示板で投稿し続けることですね。長い英文を書く必要はありませんし、英文が上手く表現できなかったら、そこは日本語で書いてもOKです。
〉 単純に、何んと書けば良いのか?って質問投稿もありでしょう。但し、上述のように、日本語が殆どだったら、しかるべき板の方にポストですね。
〉 書き続けると、どういう風に表現したら良いんだとうと悩むことが多々あると思います。そう言うのをメモしておいて、GRを読んでる時とかにフィットする表現を見つけたら、それをメモする..の繰り返しでしょう。
読んでいて、「your former students」という表現に出会い、これじゃん!
〉 でも、これでは、急場には間に合わない訳で、その時は、和英などを利用するしかないでしょう。後でもっと良い文が思い付くかもしれませんが、それはその時です。
〉 あとは、本屋に行って、英語で表現するのに役立ちそうな本を購入して手元に置いておく。例えば、手持ちですと、「訳せそうで訳せない日本語」(小松達也、The Japan Times)と言った感じのタイトルになります(別にこれをお勧めしている訳ではありません。あくまで、こんなタイトルという参考です)。
〉 その他ですと、語数の少ない和英辞書を時間を見つけて読む..ですかね。例えば、「ハウディ和英」(英和の方は我が家にあります。和英の方はありませんが、基本的に同じ編集方針の筈なので、語数が厳選されてると思います。店頭でチェック下さい)
〉 前の方で書いた英語圏の子供用電子辞書、知り合いが持ってましたが、面白いですよ。
〉 ま、最初に書いた通り、まず、書いてみることですよ。但し、日本語そのままのニュアンスを伝えようとするのではなく、とりあえずは簡単に。
〉じゃ、Star Warsの蓄積が豊富なako先生もお呼び出したいと思います。akoは〜ん、(この部分読んでたら)あんさんも何か書いてあげなはれ。あんじょう、よろしゅうな。
〉♪Zm Zm Zm Zm Zm Zm Zm Zm
〉♪What is it? Earthquake?
〉♪No, Flash ako is approaching
のんたさん、今日は。(Good evening NONTA_SAN.)
〉thank you,inspire,rain and hail!!(AME,ARARE?)
Eh. How about O-SEN, caramel?
〉〉 akoさんとの掛け合い漫才を書いているderfelです。(^^;
〉 Oh,which one is TUKKOMI?
Like above, both are TSUKKOMI and BOKE. Which is which depends the situation.
〉〉〉 I started TADOKU almost two years ago. I read 180mango.
〉〉 Looks like going along well.
〉 Thank you,but I didn't have much time.because I'll be back to my job,next week. And My husband is very very busy,so,no cooperation.
〉 So I must keep house things,taking care of my kids.
I'm sorry to hear that you are going to have a little bit tough time .
〉〉 Congratulations on this board debut. I, derfel, first joined this board 4 days ago.
〉 Oh,thank you.but your english is great!!
Thank you for saying so. (UKI UKI)
〉〉〉Writing was difficult for me,so I didn't write in English for long years.
〉〉 Don't worry. Most Japanese people feel so even though he/she is relatively familiar to English.
〉 thank you for your words.They made me relax.
My pleasure.
〉〉〉 But my old student said me she want to write me in English. She want
〉〉〉to practice English.because of going abrord to study about dolphin.
〉〉 It's so nice to have such a plan of her but you seem to have a little burden.
〉 Yes yes ,that's light.I have a burden.
I'm sorry to hear again. Why don't you suggeting her to join this site? So you'll be freed from the burden much. Of course, you will be able to join her relating threads.
〉〉 derfelも、文の始めの方で"快調ですね"と書きたくて、英辞郎を引いてますよ。akoさんとのやりとりでも、替え歌を引いて、filkとかfilksongって知りましたから。辞書を引くことは恥でも何んでもありません、ご心配なく。
〉 そうですね。今回返答を書いている時も、電子辞書をこちょこちょと。
おお、しっかりとご活用ですね。(Oh, you've use of it well.)
<== "しっかりと"を英辞郎で引きました。"well"か、成る程ねぇ。
〉 でも、言いたいことを書こうと思って辞書をひくのは、読んでわからない
. . .
〉〉 知っている単語で言い換えられるなら、そちらを使う方がベターですよ。英語圏の子供用の辞書(電子辞書を含む)が、とても参考になります。
〉 なるほど、置き換えてみるのですね。ふむふむ。英語圏用電子辞書
ますます、ピッタシカンカンでしたね。(That was a bingo.)
〉〉〉 How do you write? 超初心者はどのような手段で始めればよろしいので
〉〉 うーん、難しい質問ですねぇ。まず、今後もこの掲示板で投稿し続けることですね。長い英文を書く必要はありませんし、英文が上手く表現できなかったら、そこは日本語で書いてもOKです。
> . . .
〉 投稿って、すごく私みたいなものには意義があると今回身にしみました。
でしょでしょ(It should be so.)。(^^
〉〉 書き続けると、どういう風に表現したら良いんだとうと悩むことが多々あると思います。そう言うのをメモしておいて、GRを読んでる時とかにフィットする表現を見つけたら、それをメモする..の繰り返しでしょう。
〉 まさに、さっそくありました。前回、「昔の自分の生徒」ってどう
〉読んでいて、「your former students」という表現に出会い、これじゃん!
やったー!(You made it.)
〉 それと、たった一度英語で書いてみようという姿勢になっただけなのに
そうです、その通りですよ。(You are just on the beginning of the right course. )
〉〉 でも、これでは、急場には間に合わない訳で、その時は、和英などを利用するしかないでしょう。後でもっと良い文が思い付くかもしれませんが、それはその時です。
〉〉 あとは、本屋に行って、英語で表現するのに役立ちそうな本を購入して手元に置いておく。 ...
〉〉 その他ですと、語数の少ない和英辞書を時間を見つけて読む..
〉〉 前の方で書いた英語圏の子供用電子辞書、知り合いが持ってましたが、面白いですよ。
〉 なるほど、少し英語本も本屋さんでみてみたいと思います。とても
すこしでもお役にたったようであれば、幸いです。(I'm glad to hear my reply was a little bit of your help.)
> おかげで、とても書くことに前向きな気持ちになりました。
そうです、気楽に気楽に。(Take it easy.)
〉〉 ま、最初に書いた通り、まず、書いてみることですよ。但し、日本語そのままのニュアンスを伝えようとするのではなく、とりあえずは簡単に。
〉 はーーい、やってみます。
Yes, You are already on the half way to the GOAL.
〉〉じゃ、Star Warsの蓄積が豊富なako先生もお呼び出したいと思います。akoは〜ん、(この部分読んでたら)あんさんも何か書いてあげなはれ。あんじょう、よろしゅうな。
〉 お2人の英語でのやりとり、すごく面白くて、楽しませていただいて
楽しまれましたか? (Have you enjoyed ?)
〉 今後ともよろしくお願いしますぅ!!!
# その前に、英語で書きたい、書いた物を投稿したいという意欲が優るかもしれませんよ。(^^
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お名前: ako
投稿日: 2004/9/18(01:19)
Hellllloooooooooww NONTA-san !!
This is ako DESUuuuu !!
Im very very very glad to see you here too !!
〉 I started TADOKU almost two years ago. I read 180mango.
Great !
"Keep reading" itself is difficult thing, I think.
〉 I write here first time. I am poor at English.
I dont think so.
I can understand your message very clearly.
〉Writing was difficult for me,so I didn't write in English for long years.
I understand. I agree.
〉 But my old student said me she want to write me in English. She want
〉to practice English.because of going abrord to study about dolphin.
Dolphin! Fantastic !
Talking with dolphins or so ?
If so, wonderful !
〉oh,no! I am not good at writing!! Look at these sentence!
〉please advice me about how to write!
〉by the way,may I write these things on this bbs?
First of all, I am very happy to have you, NONTA-san !
We had a very good time last Saturday.
It was great for me to know you. Because......secret on BBS ;-)
ガッコ英語の、Hello, How are you ? Im fine, thank you, and you ?
〉 How do you write? 超初心者はどのような手段で始めればよろしいので
der〉じゃ、Star Warsの蓄積が豊富なako先生もお呼び出したいと思います。akoは〜ん、(この部分読んでたら)あんさんも何か書いてあげなはれ。あんじょう、よろしゅうな。
あの〜^^;;; My Master, Never say SENSEI !!
YOU are my master !! It's YOU !!!! REMEMBER !!!!
Moreover, akoが関西弁好きだってとこも読みはったん? まったく。
Well, NONTA-san,
ako thinks this Chikuwa-san's words are very very good.
暴論かどうかは…? 何しろこの方は、UNLEARNの裏定義もある方ですから…
「言いたいことは伝わった!」 これですね!
For example, I wrote here up in this message box,
I only wrote,
I agree.
ONLY ONE word. I often write one word.
At first, that goes well !!
Is that right ? Chikuwa-san ? Mr Derfel ?
NONTA-san, Please give it a try !
hellooooooooooooo ako-san,my love!
〉Hellllloooooooooww NONTA-san !!
〉This is ako DESUuuuu !!
〉Im very very very glad to see you here too !!
Me too!!!!!!!!!!!!
〉〉 I started TADOKU almost two years ago. I read 180mango.
〉Great !
〉"Keep reading" itself is difficult thing, I think.
Thank you,but It begin to be hard time for me,so I'll be back to my job.(><)
〉〉 I write here first time. I am poor at English.
〉I dont think so.
〉I can understand your message very clearly.
Thank you,very much. I'm happy to read your message.
〉〉Writing was difficult for me,so I didn't write in English for long years.
〉I understand. I agree.
〉〉 But my old student said me she want to write me in English. She want
〉〉to practice English.because of going abrord to study about dolphin.
〉Dolphin! Fantastic !
〉Talking with dolphins or so ?
〉If so, wonderful !
She is dreaming.It is wonderful.I want to say "keep going!!"
〉〉oh,no! I am not good at writing!! Look at these sentence!
〉〉please advice me about how to write!
〉〉by the way,may I write these things on this bbs?
〉First of all, I am very happy to have you, NONTA-san !
you too? oh,I am surprised. your writing is very natural,and smooth.
〉We had a very good time last Saturday.
〉It was great for me to know you. Because......secret on BBS ;-)
Yes,yes.I want to see you again.and to talk with you,a lot.
〉ガッコ英語の、Hello, How are you ? Im fine, thank you, and you ?
〉〉 How do you write? 超初心者はどのような手段で始めればよろしいので
〉der〉じゃ、Star Warsの蓄積が豊富なako先生もお呼び出したいと思います。akoは〜ん、(この部分読んでたら)あんさんも何か書いてあげなはれ。あんじょう、よろしゅうな。
〉あの〜^^;;; My Master, Never say SENSEI !!
〉YOU are my master !! It's YOU !!!! REMEMBER !!!!
〉Moreover, akoが関西弁好きだってとこも読みはったん? まったく。
〉Well, NONTA-san,
〉ako thinks this Chikuwa-san's words are very very good.
〉暴論かどうかは…? 何しろこの方は、UNLEARNの裏定義もある方ですから…
〉「言いたいことは伝わった!」 これですね!
〉For example, I wrote here up in this message box,
〉I only wrote,
〉I agree.
〉ONLY ONE word. I often write one word.
〉At first, that goes well !!
It is important.
Simple is best!
〉Is that right ? Chikuwa-san ? Mr Derfel ?
〉NONTA-san, Please give it a try !
Thank you for your advice!!
I'm happy.and I'm getting to want to wtite!!
I will write here,sometimes.
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365. Re: how are you? plese listen to my worry.
お名前: モーリン
投稿日: 2004/9/22(19:11)
Hi, Nonta-san. This is Moring.
Nice to meet you!
〉 I started TADOKU almost two years ago. I read 180mango.
I also had read as same amount as you.
〉 I write here first time. I am poor at English.
I don't think so. Your English is very easy to understand.
〉Writing was difficult for me,
But Writing is fun. Ya?
〉 But my old student said me she want to write me in English. She want
〉to practice English.because of going abrord to study about dolphin.
〉oh,no! I am not good at writing!! Look at these sentence!
This is good chance for you.
〉please advice me about how to write!
I'm going to tell some about my way of writing for you.
When I write a message for this board, I have two Don't.
rule 1: Don't think statements in Japanese.
rule 2: Don't use dictionary like your Tadoku-reading.
These are difficult for some one. But if you remind you need not afraid to make mistakes, these become more easy( but recently I use some software for spell checking).
And if you want to use a dictionary for writing, you may have a limit how many times you can use it for one writing.
If you think statements in Japanese, you must translate these to English statements. Then you have question how you translate "失礼します" in English.
But a traslate job is a difficult job. If you try this, you may get tired or confuse.
You can use same phrases for your writing.
For exanple, when you write a message, you can start with "Hi" and finish with "See you" or "Bye".
This is very easy. Don't you think so?
Then if you get some useful phrases while your reading, you can use these for your writing.
You may get more phrases by this way.
I usually use some phrases or expressions in books I read nearby. If I'm not sure how I write it, I open the book for reference.
Anyway, this is my way of writing.
But I think this might be useful for someone.
I'm pleased this board have many writers now.
And I hope you join us, then you'll en-joy writing.
Happy Reading & Writing!!
See you.
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お名前: のんた
投稿日: 2004/9/23(15:38)
Hi!moring-san! Thank you for your message!
〉〉Writing was difficult for me,
〉But Writing is fun. Ya?
Yes,It's getting to be fun by your advices.
〉When I write a message for this board, I have two Don't.
〉rule 1: Don't think statements in Japanese.
〉rule 2: Don't use dictionary like your Tadoku-reading.
I think that two Don't are hard to me, but important to me.
〉These are difficult for some one. But if you remind you need not afraid to make mistakes, these become more easy( but recently I use some software for spell checking).
I undersand for your advices.I'll try . I scared that my spell is
wrong. but is there any spell checking soft,isn't it!? I'II try to use them,too.
〉And if you want to use a dictionary for writing, you may have a limit how many times you can use it for one writing.
〉If you think statements in Japanese, you must translate these to English statements. Then you have question how you translate "失礼します" in English.
〉But a traslate job is a difficult job. If you try this, you may get tired or confuse.
Oh,yes.I understand.That's rignt!! ME KARA UROKO!
〉You can use same phrases for your writing.
〉For exanple, when you write a message, you can start with "Hi" and finish with "See you" or "Bye".
〉This is very easy. Don't you think so?
〉Then if you get some useful phrases while your reading, you can use these for your writing.
〉You may get more phrases by this way.
Yes,yes.I'll try! Actually,it's getting to change my reading style for my writing.
〉I usually use some phrases or expressions in books I read nearby. If I'm not sure how I write it, I open the book for reference.
〉Anyway, this is my way of writing.
〉But I think this might be useful for someone.
Yes.That's right!!! It is so much useful for me.
〉I'm pleased this board have many writers now.
〉And I hope you join us, then you'll en-joy writing.
Thank you for your kindness and advises.
I'm very glad for your message.so I want to enjoy writing!!
Happy Reading & Writing!
See you later!
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お名前: モーリン
投稿日: 2004/9/23(22:07)
Hi, Nonta-san. This is Moring.
In this time, I'll answer you shortly. Sorry.
>but is there any spell checking soft,isn't it!? I'II try to use them,too.
I use Yahoo!'s mail site.
On the page for creating mail(メールの作成), they have a spell checking function.
I copy my message text to the empty box on this page.
Then I push the スペルチェック button.
This is almost well and enough to me.
I hope this informatin is useful for you.
See you, and Happy Reading & Writing!!
Hi, Moring-san. This is Nonta.
〉In this time, I'll answer you shortly. Sorry.
please don't care.
〉>but is there any spell checking soft,isn't it!? I'II try to use them,too.
〉I use Yahoo!'s mail site.
〉On the page for creating mail(メールの作成), they have a spell checking function.
〉I copy my message text to the empty box on this page.
〉Then I push the スペルチェック button.
〉This is almost well and enough to me.
Thank you for your advice. Thank you for your kindness!
〉I hope this informatin is useful for you.
I hope I can use it well.I'll try.
〉See you, and Happy Reading & Writing!!
See you,and Happy Reading & Writing!!