Re: Correction

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874. Re: Correction

お名前: a university student(senior)
投稿日: 2002/3/10(17:57)


>That is precisely where this site
>is all about, isn't it?
“Where” should be “what”

〉〉In response to your egregious comments, I had to say that though your use of English idioms is superb, your vocabulary and structure is far from those of highly intelligent professors.

〉intelligent の意味を間違ってませんか?
〉intellectual と言いたかったのでしょうね。

〉intelligent は教育程度とはなんの関係もないことばですね。

I know. I have met various kinds of “intelligent teachers”, all of whom are more intelligent than you are.

〉話をしているとは思えない。やっぱり intellectual と

A person’s writing sometimes represents the person’s intelligence.

〉〉Since I’m going to be very busy this week, I’m afraid I will be unable to respond to your comments quickly, but I hope other teachers, including Mr. Furukawa and Maria-san will be kind enough to join our English discussion.



I didn't mean it. Your understanding of English seems to be as insufficient as your ability to write in English.

but でつなぐ意味がないのです。

Don’t be so pedagogical! I don’t expect you to be pedagogical at all.
Anyway, this clearly indicates that you are poor at writing in English.



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