[掲示板: 〈過去ログ〉過去ログ2(英語教育についての論争) -- 最新メッセージID: 983 // 時刻: 2024/12/27(16:30)]
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お名前: まりあ
投稿日: 2002/3/10(16:55)
〉Since I’m going to be very busy this week, I’m afraid I will be unable to respond to your comments quickly, but I hope other teachers, including Mr. Furukawa and Maria-san will be kind enough to join our English discussion.
Don't you know you're very provocative,
do you? YOU did ask first then you say an excuse
of gonna very busy this week.
Do you think if we set up this BBS to kill time
or so? Mr Furukawa is the president of SEG, you know,
Ms kawate & I are married with children, she is a doctor,
I'm the president of the company.
I wouldn't like to discuss grammatical issue
wiith you because I prefer to use my little time
for writing the "Book Reiew" page.