[掲示板: 〈過去ログ〉過去ログ2(英語教育についての論争) -- 最新メッセージID: 983 // 時刻: 2024/12/27(02:13)]
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お名前: 酒井邦秀
投稿日: 2002/3/10(03:25)
〉Yeah, I WAS starting wonder about your
〉'intuition of the native speaker'!
〉〉Sorry, (1) ia incorrect. (2) is correct.
〉〉(1) Who do you think is the best math teacher is?
〉〉(2) Who do you think is the best math teacher?
No! You(?) have made more incorrect sentences.
Correct them all, before you write again!
Maybe I should start doubting your(?) intuition after all!!