Oxford からいただいた 語数の資料です。

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131. Oxford からいただいた 語数の資料です。

お名前: 古川@SSS http://www.seg.co.jp/
投稿日: 2003/8/28(18:03)


Oxford Bookworm 編集部から あちらで数えた語数の表(まだ

どなたか、SSSのものと 比較していただけますか?

Title ISBN Stage Wordcount
Agatha Christie Woman of Mystery 422963 7 2 5960
Canterville Ghost 422966 1 2 5504
Christmas in Prague 422938 6 1 4734
Cold Comfort Farm 423080 5 6 31135
Cranford 423029 5 4 15034
Dead Man’s Island 422968 8 2 5222
Death in the Freezer 422969 6 2 6211
Death of Karen Silkwood 422970 X 2 5597
Decline and Fall 423083 X 6 28817
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep 423063 5 5 24477
Dracula 422971 8 2 7902
Ethan Frome 423002 3 3 10717
Garden Party and Other Stories 423065 1 5 22514
Goldfish 3 10854
Goodbye Mr Hollywood 422942 4 1 5712
ISBN Stage Title Wordcount
422963 7 2 Agatha Christie Woman of Mystery 5960
422966 1 2 Canterville Ghost 5504
422938 6 1 Christmas in Prague 4734
423080 5 6 Cold Comfort Farm 31135
423029 5 4 Cranford 15034
422968 8 2 Dead Man’s Island 5222
422969 6 2 Death in the Freezer 6211
422970 X 2 Death of Karen Silkwood 5597
423083 X 6 Decline and Fall 28817
423063 5 5 Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep 24477
422971 8 2 Dracula 7902
423002 3 3 Ethan Frome 10717
423065 1 5 Garden Party and Other Stories 22514
3 Goldfish 10854
422942 4 1 Goodbye Mr Hollywood 5712
422974 2 2 Grace Darling 6730
422975 0 2 Henry VIII and his Six Wives 6335
423089 9 6 Joy Luck Club 32135
422977 7 2 Jungle Book 6512
422944 0 1 Little Princess 5841
423037 6 4 Lord Jim 19184
2 Love among the Haystacks 7049
422945 9 1 Lottery Winner 5601
423008 2 3 Love Story 8594
422979 3 2 Matty Doolin 6603
422992 0 2 Murders in the Rue Morgue 7010
422949 1 1 Mutiny on the Bounty 5862
422980 7 2 Mystery of Allegra 6144
422950 5 1 One Way Ticket 5533
423018 X 3 Pair of Ghostly Hands and Other Stories 10660
422954 8 1 Remember Miranda 5077
5 Riddle of the Sands 21904
423073 2 5 Sense and Sensibility 24372
1 Sherlock Holmes and the Sport of Kings 5950
423044 9 4 Silas Marner 16125
423046 5 4 Songs of Distant Earth and Other Stories 15305
422998 X 3 Card, The 11142
423048 1 4 Thirty Nine Steps 17236
423049 X 4 Three Men in a Boat 18109
423051 1 4 Unquiet Grave 15876
423052 X 4 Washington Square 15510
423021 X 3 Who Sir? Me Sir? 10296
422957 2 1 Witches of Pendle 5739
423096 1 6 Woman in White 31883


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