■ Marvin Redpost glossary

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1075. ■ Marvin Redpost glossary

お名前: ペギー双葉山(^^) http://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0009EVIZS/qid=1125158127/
投稿日: 2005/9/4(00:02)


accuse : to say that you believe someone is guilty of a crime or of doing something bad
acquaintance ; to meet someone for the first time
admire ; to respect and like someone
admit ; to agree that something unpleasant about yourself is true
adopt ; to take someone else’s child in to your home and legally become its parent
allowance ; a small amount of money that a parent regularly gives to a child
annoy ; to make someone feel slightly angry and unhappy about something
appetite ; a desire for food
appropriate ; correct or suitable for a particular time , situation , or purpose
approve ; to officaly accept a plan
assure ; to tell someone that something is true so that they can fell less worried
attentive ; listening to or watching someone carefully
awe ; a feeling of great respect and liking for someone or something
betray ; to harm someone who trusts you
boldly ; not afraid of taking risks and making difficult decisions
broomstick ; a large brush with a long handle , used for sweeping floors
bugged ; to annoy someone
coincidence ; when two things happen at the same time in a way that seems surprising
commotion :sudden noisy activity
consider ; to think about something carefully , especially before making a choice or decision
crumble ; to break into small pieces
daredevil ; someone who likes doing dangerous things
declare ; to say publicly what you think or feel
edge ; to move gradually with several small movements
enthusiastic ; feeling or showing a lot of interest and excitement about something
exaggerate : to make something seem better,larger,worth etc than it really is
exclaim ; to say something suddenly and loudly
exhale ; to breath air , smoke etc out of your mouth
expect : to think that something will happen
expect ; think sth will happen
expel ; to force someone to leave a school or organization
flunk ; to give someone low marks on a test to that they fail it
gleam : a small pale light,especially one that shines for a short time
hatred ; an angry feeling dislike
immature ; =childish
impersonation ; to copy someone’s voice and behavior , especially in order to make people laugh
insist ; to say firmly and often that something is true , especially when other people think it may not be true
-it is : the condition of having too much of something or liking something too much
larynx : the part in your throat where your voice is produced
leash ; a piece of rope
mob ; rush to get close to them and form a crowd around them
note ; to notice or pay careful attention to something
obviously ; clear and easy to see or understand
orphan ; a child whose parents are both dead
orphanage ; a large house where children who are orphans live and are taken care of
participate ; to take part in an activity or event
particular ; =especially
patiently ; able to wait calmly for a long time
patriotic ; =nationalistic , who loves their country
peer ; to look very carefully at something
pitiful ; someone who is pitiful looks or sounds so sad and unfortunate that you feel very sorry for them
Pledge of Allegiance ; a serious promise or agreement to a leader , country
prance ; if a horses prances , it moves with high steps
proper ; right , suitable , or correct
raspy : a rough unpleasant sound
recognize ; to know who someone is , or what something is , because you have seen , heard , experienced or learned about them in the past
register ; show a feeling
remind ; to make someone remember something that they must do
respect ; admire
roar ; to make a deep , very loud noise
rude : not polite
shove ; to push someone in a rough or careless way
show-off ; to try and get people to notice you because you want them to see how clever , rich , etc you are
stab ; a sudden sharp feeling of pain or a strong emotion
steep ; high angle
sticker ; a small piece of paper or plastic with a picture on writing on it that you can stick on to something
strain ; to do something with great effot
streek ; to run or fly somewhere so fast
stuffe ; push something into a small space
stumble ; to hit your foot against something so that you almost fall
sturdy ; an object that is strong , well-made , and not easily broken
sue ; to start a legal process to get money from someone who has harmed you
summary ; short statement that gives the main information about something , without giving all the details
timidly ; =shy
triumph : a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction
wreck ; spoil , damage , destroy



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