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582. Re: [世界史club] Khang Nyugen版 三国志:その6 旗揚げ
お名前: たいがあ http://asia.geocities.com/susumu6/sangokushi/
投稿日: 2006/7/17(11:11)
☆☆ (興味のある方はどうぞ)
They rose from their knees. The two others bowed before Liu Bei(劉備) as their elder brother, and Zhang Fei (張飛)was to be the youngest of the trio. This solemn ceremony performed, they slew other oxen and made a feast to which they invited the villagers. Three hundred joined them, and all feasted and drank deep in the Peach Garden.
The next day weapons were mustered. But there were no horses to ride. This was a real grief. But soon they were cheered by the arrival of two horse dealers with a drove of horses.
muster: 手配する
"Thus does Heaven help us!" said Liu Bei(劉備).
And the three brothers went forth to welcome the merchants. They were Zhang Shiping(張世平) and Su Shuang(蘇双) from Zhongshan(中山). They went northwards every year to buy horses. They were now on their way home because of the Yellow Scarves(黄巾賊). The brothers invited them to the farm, where wine was served before them. Then Liu Bei told them of the plan to strive for tranquillity. Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang were glad and at once gave the brothers fifty good steeds, and beside, five hundred ounces of gold and silver and one thousand five hundred pounds of steel fit for the forging of weapons.
steed: 駿馬
The brothers expressed their gratitude, and the merchants took their leave. Then blacksmiths were summoned to forge weapons. For Liu Bei they made a pair of ancient swords; for Guan Yu they fashioned a long-handled, curve blade called Green-Dragon Saber(青龍偃月刀), which weighed a full one hundred twenty pounds; and for Zhang Fei they created a ten-foot spear called Serpent Halberd(蛇矛). Each too had a helmet and full armor.
blacksmith: 武器職人