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お名前: 古川@SSS http://www.seg.co.jp/
投稿日: 2004/8/27(23:52)
というプロジェクトをすれば 一石二鳥 かも。
The Difference between Traditional Extensive Reading Method
and SSS Extensive Reading Method
SSS Extensive Reading Study Group
August 29, 2004
Teaching Style:
TRD: Students are taught how to read books extensively.
They read books mainly outside school hours.
SSS: Students read books during ER classes.
They read 1.5 hours to 6 hours a week in class.
If they are tired, they are allowed to take a nap.
Reading Guidance:
TRD: Students must write reports on every book they read.
SSS: Students are only required to record the titles of the books
they read. Teachers recommend a student some of the books that
the teacher thinks he might personally enjoy.
The Starting Level of Reading Books:
TRD: Students start from one step below the level of the books that
they can read with a dictionary.
SSS: Every student starts from a basic starting level such as
Oxford Reading Tree Stage 1 or Longman Literacy Land Step 1.
How to Raise the Level:
TRD: Students are supposed to raise their level of readers monotonously.
SSS: Students read as much a variety of levels as possible and gradually
Raise the overall level of reading.
We call “Panda Reading” when we read books at a level below the
center level and Giraffe Reading when we do it at a level above the
center level. Giraffe Reading is be able to done
when the book has already been read in Japanese or if it’s one the
student is very much interested in.
What to Read:
TRD: Mainly graded readers for English Language Teaching.
SSS: ELT Graded readers and leveled readers for native English
children and variety of books for elementary school children.
Amount of Reading per a Year:
TRD: 10,000 words to 100,000 words per a year..
SSS: 200,000 words to 2,000,000 words per a year.
Some students read more than 10,000,000 words.
Use of Dictionaries:
TRD: Students are advised to look at a dictionary when needed.
SSS: Students are prohibited from looking at a dictionary in the classroom.
They cannot look up more than 3 words a book when they read
outside school.
Our Three Golden Rules of SSS Extensive Reading
1 Don't use a dictionary.
Students should start from the very beginning level.
2 Skip over where it is difficult to understand.
Don't stick to 100% understanding.
Students can enjoy reading if they understand 70% of the content.
3 Quit reading if you think the book is boring.
Students should only read the books that they think joyful.
Students in schools and adult learners are really enjoying reading through our method.