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お名前: たんぽぽのわたげ
投稿日: 2003/4/10(04:28)
ども、です。今ごろのこのこ出てきました(^^;;。たんぽぽのわたげです。 英語でメッセージなんて どう考えても私の脳みそのなかにそんなワザは持ち合わせてないので 黙ってるつもりでしたが、むくむくと頭を持ち上げる「伝えたい気持ち」に負けてしまいました。 きっとへんちくりん英語なので どなたか見かねて愛の手を差し伸べてくださる事をずうずうしくも願っています…。 Dear Mr. Vicary I have never read books in English. When I was a student I learned English many many times. But I can't speak English. So I did'nt think I could read them. But I saw SSS,I tried to read them. A month ago,your "The coldest Place On Earth" was a long story for me. But it was very interesting. And I was surprised. Your book told me,"You can read books in English!" I was so happy. And I want read English books more and more. I want to tell you "thank you very much!"