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2037. Oct. 4 / Osaka University's English-language seminar
お名前: けん
投稿日: 2003/10/1(20:33)
Forefront Seminar
Osaka University's genome Information Research Center is inviting people to an English-language seminar on recent advances in life science between 4:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. on Oct. 4 at its facility on the university's campus in Suita, Osaka Prefectuure.
Dr. Aureo Yamada, a visiting associate professor at Osaka University, will speak on the theme "Life science: From Charles Darwin to genetically modified organisms." Yamada will discuss the most recent advances in molecular technology and the ethical questions those avances raise, such as issues concerning genetic engineering.
Admission is free, but reservations are required by Oct. 2.
The venue, Iden Joho Jikken Center, is just inside the university gate closest to Kita Senri Station on the Hankyu Line.
For reservations and more information, call the organizer at (06)6879-8375, fax(06)6879-8376, or e-mail: omegumi@gen-info.osaka-u.ac.jp