12 picture books

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943. 12 picture books

お名前: はまこ
投稿日: 2006/10/12(11:31)


Hello everyone.
This is Hamako.

I went to a super-market with my kids.
There was a book’s fair.
It had several bookshelves, and maybe uhh, there were about one thousand books in those.
I peeped into a shelf.

You won’t be able to guess what’s going on the fair, will you?

There were some English picture books!
I turned around to look if I can see more English picture books.

What happened to me?
There were more than fifty English picture books!
I couldn’t believe my eyes.
Because I’ve never seen any English books are on sale in my town.

How much?
I picked a book up and turned it.
It said, “\1,500→\450”
Marvelous! What a bargain!
And it’s even brand-new one.
I dashed into those shelves for digging more books.
I made a quick through search whatever in my sight.

There were no books for my elder kids. So they’ve gone to another book shop in the market.
But I must make a nimble decision.
Because with my three months old baby, if she wake up she’ll began to cry for her mother’s milk.

I digging and I digging and I digging.
At last, 12 picture books were in my arms.
It took 10 minutes.

I went to a cashier.
I pushed my baby buggy, so the shopkeeper thought there were for my baby.
He gasped.
“I never saw a mother is purchasing such a large amount of English picture books for her baby,” he said.
“No. There are my own picture books, of course,” I said happily.
I was absolutely happy madam←?

He said, “The total is 6,300yen, madam.”
It made my head whipped up.
Uhhm…I was thinking so hard!
It took three seconds.
Ok. Be happy!

Now, I’d like to introduce those precious picture books.
I’ll make it several times a week or so.
See you later! alligator!

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[♪] 944. Re: Hamako's Adventures in Wonderland!

お名前: MOMA親爺
投稿日: 2006/10/12(19:57)


Hi! Hamako

Do you remember MOMA Daddy?

Thank you for your wonderful report.
Hamako's Adventures in Wonderland!

You made me giggle, giggle, giggle.

Sounds fantastic!

See you later! alligator!

MOMA Daddy

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945. Hi, MOMA the Daddy!

お名前: はまこ
投稿日: 2006/10/14(22:16)


〉Hi! Hamako

〉Do you remember MOMA Daddy?

Wow! I don’t see you so long time.
Are you doing well?
I'm very very veeery happy for receiving your reply.

I reread our chats.
It brings me some warm feelings.
I remember that your advice made me happy and relax.
So I want to say it again.

It's true, my heart was hopping around for joy
when I saw and read your reply♪
Thank you very very very much.
(I did copy & paste.(^^)

〉Thank you for your wonderful report.
〉Hamako's Adventures in Wonderland!

I like your expression.
Actually, that was an ordinary place
But you waved a magic wand, then it was turned into Wonderland.
What a rich imagination!

〉You made me giggle, giggle, giggle.

〉Sounds fantastic!

I’m delighted to get your message.

〉See you later! alligator!

In a while! crocodile!

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[喜] 963. Good deal, isn't it?

お名前: モーリン http://wordcount.blog72.fc2.com/
投稿日: 2006/10/23(00:58)


Hi Hamako.

I enjoyed reading your writing.

〉It said, “\1,500→\450”
〉Marvelous! What a bargain!
Yes. It's good deal, isn't it?

〉But I must make a nimble decision.
〉Because with my three months old baby, if she wake up she’ll began to cry for her mother’s milk.
Ha, Hah.

〉I digging and I digging and I digging.
〉At last, 12 picture books were in my arms.
〉It took 10 minutes.
Oh, you made it.

〉“I never saw a mother is purchasing such a large amount of English picture books for her baby,” he said.
〉“No. There are my own picture books, of course,” I said happily.
〉I was absolutely happy madam←?
I could imagine your face even I never have met you though.

〉He said, “The total is 6,300yen, madam.”
〉It made my head whipped up.
〉Uhhm…I was thinking so hard!
〉It took three seconds.
〉Ok. Be happy!
Ha, Ha.
One book is cheep. But total amount for 12 books is...

〉Now, I’d like to introduce those precious picture books.
I read them. The books sounds like pretty, aren't they.
I also have books about Disney's Phoo and Beatrix Potter's stories.

〉See you later! alligator!
I want to say to you "alligator".

Happy Reading & Writing!

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964. Hi, Moring!

お名前: はまこ
投稿日: 2006/10/23(16:24)


Hi, Moring.


Thanks for let me know about "A child's history of England" at 趣味の広場(^^)

〉I enjoyed reading your writing.

Thank you again.
And I enjoyed reading your blog.
I've read some of yours.
You are so great!!!

〉〉“No. There are my own picture books, of course,” I said happily.
〉〉I was absolutely happy madam←?
〉I could imagine your face even I never have met you though.

Really? (*^^*)

〉Ha, Ha.
〉One book is cheep. But total amount for 12 books is...

I was so absorbed in time, my heart was filled with hurry, hurry, hurry...

〉〉Now, I’d like to introduce those precious picture books.
〉I read them. The books sounds like pretty, aren't they.
〉I also have books about Disney's Phoo and Beatrix Potter's stories.

Wow. That's good.
I guess you like those too.

〉〉See you later! alligator!
〉I want to say to you "alligator".


〉Happy Reading & Writing!

Happy Reading & Writing!



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