May I calculate the possibility ?

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906. May I calculate the possibility ?

お名前: バナナ
投稿日: 2006/3/2(00:27)


〉Hi there. This is Moring.

Hello, Moring. This is Banana. So long not to see you.

〉Sorry for using long title.

I don't mind.

〉I'm reading Oliver Twist by Dickens. And its style affects my writing style.

Ohhhhhhhh. Your comment! I wanted to get and read Oliver Twist.

〉Today I visited Ogikubo for taking dental treatment, and got a train
〉of Yamanote line at Shinagawa station.
〉Do you believe this? But this is true.
〉I wonder how much possibility exits for this.

May I caliculate ?

1. You must catch the same train.

The possibility is

a)On Yamanote-sen, we can catch train in each two minites.
b)It takes about one-hour for train to go round Yamanote-sen.
c) 60minites / 2 minites/train = 30 trains
So 30 trains runs on Yamanote-sen.
d)When you get a train at random, the possibility is 1/30=3.3%
to get certain train, which you got.

So the possibility that you must catch the same train is 3.3%.

2. You must catch the same SHARYOU of the same train.

a)I think, each train on Yamanote-sen has 10 SHARYOUs.
b)So when you get the same train, the possibility that you get
on the same SHARYOU is 10%.
c)So the possibility that you got the same train and you got on
the same SHARYOU is

3.3% * 10% = 0.33%

3.Oh! I miss that Yamanote-sen has MIGIMAWARI and HIDARIMAWARI.

It is 50%.

4.So THE POSSIBILITY is 0.167%(=0.33% * 50%)

It is 1/60,000.

〉Thank you for reading!
〉Happy Reading & Writing.
〉See you.

Happy possibility 1/60,000!
See you in the Yamanote-sen train someday.




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