Re: 3 Dahl's books (111words)

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90. Re: 3 Dahl's books (111words)

お名前: Kian
投稿日: 2002/12/27(09:11)


Hi, Asuka-san, Azuki-san. Kian is speaking.

〉〉Because,"ASUKA des" is "This is ASUKA.", "I am ASUKA.", "My name is ASUKA.", "It is ASUKA." or other words?
〉〉Which is the best?

I don't know which is the best but I think all of them are OK
because everyone understand what you wanted to say by any phrase.

〉Anyway, we don't worry about making a mistake.
〉It's the most important that we enjoy chat!!(^^)/

I agree with Azuki-san!
Making mistakes is fun for everyone, I think.
Chatting in English is fun for everyone, I hope!

Happy writing!



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