English HAIKU is fun, Wonderful....Very interesting!

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701. English HAIKU is fun, Wonderful....Very interesting!

お名前: バナナ
投稿日: 2005/4/4(22:14)


Hello, This is Banana.

I'm a member of HAIKU-DOUKOUKAI.

So, I googled about Haiku.
I wanted to research HAIKU-World.

I found Records of KUKAI.


I read.

Oh! Wonderfull!
Oh! Cool!
Oh! Fun!

Haikus that I like are the foloowing.

-Free Format Theme: A Visit to the Zoological Gardens

summer heat
I stop to yawn
with the lions

giraffe :
look up
and up

-Free Format Theme: Sports

left and right
all of the eyes
follow the ball


the Japanese gardens -
friends taking pictures of
friends taking pictures

How about?

If you have a time,
I recommend you to read the upper url site.

It is very fun!


Banana the HAIKU-MAN



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