Re: Gwasshi !!!!

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508. Re: Gwasshi !!!!

お名前: のんた
投稿日: 2004/11/12(00:17)


Hello〜〜〜〜!ako the frog and Jimcy!

〉This is ako who loves Makoto-chan and respects Umezu Kazuo !!

I thought so! fufufu.

〉I envy yoooooou, because you can see him in Kichijo-ji, one of my favorite town in Tokyo !

Oh,I saw him two times. at the station.
I love that town ,too.

〉I used to go to Kichijo-ji, 3 or 4 times a week, when I was university student. (used to go to Izakaya ^^;;;;;)

Ha ha ha. I used to go to there,too. I was university student at
kitijo-ji,so I went there many time. First time I drank is at kitijoji. Though I was a high school sutudent.

〉I sometimes go there now.

Oh,me too. I would like to go there together!

〉Umezu Kazuo !!
〉In my openion, he is one of the great catoonist in Japan!
〉I love Makoto-chan and "The Drifting Classroom"(←Detarame Japanese)is the best !

I agree with your opinion!!

〉But I stll haven't read "I am Shingo" and "Fourteen" .
〉I want to read them.

me,too. I don't read manga,recently. I want to read.

〉When I was high school student, I used a coffee cup for lunch time.
〉You know, almost all of the student used her own cup at lunch time.

〉Aaaaaand,,,,,,,^^;;;, I hesitate to say,,,,,,
〉My coffee cup was "Makoto-chan's Bichiguso Cup" !!!!
〉You know ?

of course! I know bichiguso!!!! ahahaha.

〉In the Bichiguso cup, there is a small piece of fake poop inside.
〉Wahahahaha !!

Oh,great!! It was tasty with the cup!!

〉You remind me of those old days, thank you !
〉Oh, I know !!
〉I will take my Bichiguso-cup for the next time I can see you.
〉I want you to see it.

OK!! I want to look it!! ahahaha!! and let's drink with it together!!

〉I mean I still use that cup in my daily life. Wahahahaha !

You are so great!! Umezu will be happy ,if he hear that.

〉Well then, SABARA and GWASHI !




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