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447. Thank you for your recommend of OBAKA-books
お名前: バナナ
投稿日: 2004/10/26(20:52)
〉Hi, Baba the Banana san. This is Julie.
Hello, Julie san
I, Baba the Banana, thank you for your comment.
〉〉What is the most silly-nutty-funny-giggly-OBAKA book ?
〉〉Tell me, please!
〉My bestest silly-nutty-funny-giggly- hee-hee-hee OBAKA book is
〉"The Adventure of Super Diaper Baby".
Your best of best of silly-nutty-funny-giggly-hee-hee-hee-gufufufufu-
OBAKA book is THAT!
Yes, it is realy giggly-hee-hee-hee!
I agree!
〉〉My No.1 is, uuuuum, 'Indoor Pirates'. I think.
〉My Nol.1 silly-nutty-funny-giggly- 肩の力が抜けた OBAKA book is
〉"Indoor Pirates". ummm.
Yes, that is right.
"Indoor Pirates" is a silly-nutty-funny-giggly- 肩の力が抜けた OBAKA book!
I agree too!
〉I think above reply is OBAKA itself...
But OBAKA is good.
In my dictionary,
OBAKA is a good word.
〉Have you read Dragon Slayer's Academy?
〉It's へろい系 like Maximum boy or Zack Files.
UUUUm,「へろい」 is very attractive.
I'd like to read all of 世界中の「へろい」本,
if I had a lot of money to buy,
a lot of time to read.
〉Or... How about Fudge series?
〉The first volume title is "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing".
〉You'd enjoy it if you have 2 years old kid
〉or you have THE experience with him/her.
〉It's not OBAKA story but heartwarming funny story.
I should read that book,
I think.
I must.
Thank you for your information.
〉Bye now,
Bye bye