Re: Thank you very much!

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280. Re: Thank you very much!

お名前: シーサイド
投稿日: 2004/2/4(22:47)


Hello, Penta-san.
This is Seaside.

〉Do you write it in English, Seaside-san?

No, no. I didn’t major in English; in fact I majored in mechanical engineering.
So, of course I wrote it in Japanese.
But once I heard from my friend who majored in English that she wrote it in English.
So I just wondered if you also wrote it in English because it seems taht you major in English.

〉I'll start work in this year, so I might be busy this year..
〉But I want to read many books.
〉I've just read 100th book yesterday. I want to read more.
〉And I would very much like to join this board.
〉Moring-san, your story below this message is really wonderful.
〉I want to write such fantastic stories or messeages.
〉I'll try it.
〉See you again.

Good luck and happy reading and writing!



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