Re: Hello, everyone!

[掲示板: 〈Past log〉Chat with SSS friends in English -- 最新メッセージID: 1207 // 時刻: 2025/3/11(16:20)]

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269. Re: Hello, everyone!

お名前: KYO
投稿日: 2004/1/17(15:13)


Hi, Suzune! Thank you for your message.
(I hope you don't mind being called just Suzune. Of course you can call me KYO, not KYO-san)

Now Suzune, don't you remember me?
We had already met at Dadokisuto meeting last November.
That day you had a nice hairdo and I admired it.
I said your name "Suzune" is very pretty.
You said you like reading science fictions. Now, you rememver?

>English teacher!! What an awfull sound.

In SSS extensive reading "English teacher" might be a dirty word like "dictionary."
If you say "English teacher," you will be reprimanded harshly. Like this.
"Hey, young man. You know what you are talking about?
Go and wash your mouth with soap! Never say such a dirty word again!"

〉Why is your hundle "KYO"?
〉Is your true name Kyoko or something?

The name comes from my high school days.
Some of my friends called me "Okyo" or "Okyo-san."
It sounds like Japanese mob's name, such as "Hibotan-no-Oryu" or whatever. So I changed it slightly. 
I want to add something. I am a very GENTLE person.

Now, Suzune. Happy Reading. I am waiting for your report!



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