[掲示板: 〈Past log〉Chat with SSS friends in English -- 最新メッセージID: 1207 // 時刻: 2025/3/7(12:10)]
お名前: 古川@SSS http://www.seg.co.jp/
投稿日: 2003/12/18(13:33)
Hello! Furukawa-sensei,
I am Hanae.
I am in Australia, so if it is possible, could you please these message upload the Tadoku no Hiroba for me?
I am in the Tasmanian State Library.
I went to Melbourne and Hobart, and I will got to Sydney today.
I have a lot of things to inform you about Australian wine(very good!). No,
no. I have to tell you about BOOKS!
I am in the library ( I can read Japanese here!! and the internet access charge is free!!!), and I asked a librarian to give me a list of Australian
authors ( fictions and children books).
Australian authors list is quite long, so now, I can only write the authors of children books to the follows;
1. Mem Fox ( I think her best picture book is POSSUM MAGIC which I had
know. We can buy this book or other books from AMAZON)
2. Pamela Allen
3. Libby Hathorn
4. Emily Rodda (She is an Australian! She wrote Rowan series which are very famous. Books which she also wrote are FAIRY REALM series, SOMETHING SPECIAL, TEEN POWER INC.series and so on. We can buy most of these from AMAZON, but I think TEEN POWER INC. series are quite difficult to get,maybe only one book from Japan).
5. Morris Gleitzman
(There is website [url:http://www.morrisgleitzman.com])
6. Hazel Edwards
7. Gary Crew( young adults)
8. John Marsden( young adults)
[url: http://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/ASIN/033039827X/ss-22/]
I did not expect that I could understand more than before (the basis was three years ago---this time when my English ability fell down).
And...that is true.
In my case, my reading career has not affected my speking and listening ability yet.(TT)
Anyway, I have been good time here.
I enjoyed joinning tours of the Penguin Parrade in Phillip Island,
Melbourne, crousing around Hobart, eating dellicious cheeses, and drinking wonderful Australian wines and Tasmanian beer!
I have to leave now.
See you in Japan!!
by Hanae Otsuka