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お名前: FreeBard
投稿日: 2012/9/29(22:08)
本日、Don Quixote (Penguin Active reading Level 2)で60万語を超えました。
The Cobble Street Cousinsシリーズは、ほのぼのとして読みやすいですね。
1 Phony Clue (Nate The Great)
2 Sticky case (Nate The Great)
3 Missing Key (Nate The Great)
4 The Piano (Oxford Book Worms Stage 2)
5 Cries from the Heart (Oxford Book Worms Stage 2)
6 Anne of Green Gables (Oxford Book Worms Stage 2)
7 The Canterville Ghost (Oxford Book Worms Stage 2)
8 Maisie and the Dolphin (Penguin Readers Easystarts)
9 Romeo and Juliet (Oxford Book Worms Stage 2)
10 Crystal the Snow Fairy (Rainbow Magic)
11 Abigail the Breeze Fairy (Rainbow Magic)
12 Pearl the Cloud Fairy (Rainbow Magic)
13 Goldie the Sunshine Fairy (Rainbow Magic)
14 Evie the Mist Fairy (Rainbow Magic)
15 The Phantom of Opera (Oxford Book Worms Stage 1)
16 Storm the Lightning Fairy (Rainbow Magic)
17 The President's Murderer (Oxford Book Worms Stage 1)
18 Hayley the Rain Fairy (Rainbow Magic)
19 In Aunt Lucy's Kitchen (The Cobble Street Cousins)
20 The Mystery of Allegra (Oxford Book Worms Stage 2)
21 A LITTLE SHOPPING (The Cobble Street Cousins)
22 Don Quixote (Penguin Active reading Level 2)